Monday, January 8, 2007

Where will I be one week from today?

Why, in an airplane headed to Guatemala of course! I can't believe that this trip is only 1 week away. In 7 days I will see and hold Anne Pearce for the first time. God is so good! It's amazing to me to have this opportunity to go visit her. Andrew and I talked at length about it the other night and how it will change everything. We are already in love with our daughter. She is in our hearts. We know she's there, but right now she's a picture. In 7 days pictures take on human form. We know the waiting will be much more difficult once we've met her. Still, we know this trip is what we should do. We pray about everything, and I have a feeling of peace about going. Please pray for our safety and strength. Please pray that Anne Pearce won't freak out with her mommy and daddy. I have one million things to do, so I'll check you guys later!


Karen D. said...

I am praying for you and with you and I will be waiting for you at the Marriott in one week! You are right, it will change everything, but it will be wonderfull! Please pray that Abbie gets into Family Court SOON!!!!!

See ya in a week!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Meeting them for the first time is INCREDIBLE! Enjoy every second of it!!!
PS...I added you to my blog roll. Is that OK? Then I have easy access to it!

Anonymous said...

Hi Lou. I got your message on my blog. To add pictures and text...I hit the picture button and upload whatever pictures I want. When they have uploaded, they'll turn up in your blog message. I select the format that has the picture centered. You can drag the pictures around in teh message to add text. I usually add text while the pictures are busy uploading. Sometimes you have to hit the enter key a few times after a picture. That will give you space to add text under. If you want to add text above, hit enter a few times, and drag the picture down. That gives you the space above. I hope this makes sense, and that I even answered your question!

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