Tuesday, January 30, 2007

3rd post of the day.....My friend, Gina

My friend Gina lives in Louisiana and is adopting a baby girl from Guatemala. Long story short....we have never met in person, but we are great friends. She has been on the waiting list at our agency for a girl for what seems like forever. She is the next family on the list to get a referral. The family ahead of her is requesting TWO unrelated siblings, and then it will be her turn. We found out today that our agency got a girl referral yesterday! That means one more baby, and then it's Gina's turn. I know all of you praying for me and AP have some room to pray for Gina and her baby, Mary Archer. Gina suffered through years of infertility, and this baby really means the world to her. Let's pray this baby home too! God is so good, and we all know He has perfect timing. I am so glad for Gina that she is THIS close to meeting her daughter. I can remember being in the spot she's in now.

Adoption is such an adventure! I have met so many wonderful people through this process, and I truly believe that God has given us each roles in each other's lives. Isn't that amazing? All these people, some strangers, who "know" all of us through this blog? Think of all the people who pray for us. I know the internet can bring some not so good things, but in my opinion, it has added such joy to my life through the people God had led me to. My "adoption friends" are so precious to me. I am also so thankful for the people who have supported me all along this journey. My heart feels so happy. Thank you God!!!!!!! I love you!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Rose said...

I agree with you! I have not met some people in person but have a bond with them through our blogs and the whole grueling adoption process. I'm glad we have each other!!!! I'm so happy your case is moving along......you bring me hope! hoping to hear something about Brody baby....sooooon! R.
I'm so excited for you that you get to visit again soon.

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