Saturday, January 6, 2007

My best friend Dana and my man, Anderson

Believe it or not, this little bitty man was born 2 days before Anne Pearce. He belongs to my best friend, Dana. He is a miracle story all in itself. Dana and I were thrilled to be having babies at the same time, and we knew how special it was that they were born that close together. Dana had tons of problems during her pregnancy, but she worked so hard to keep that little man healthy. He came 6 weeks early, and weighed a little over 5 pounds. When I went to stay with them when they came home from the hospital he weighed 4 lbs. 13 ounces. We literally had to force feed him an ounce of formula every two hours. We rejoiced over every bottle, every wet diaper, and yes, every dirty diaper. He only cried once while I was there, and we cried and laughed over that. He and his mommy are both so precious to me, and I am so blessed to have them in my life. Dana knows me well enough to know that I am all teared up just writing all this down. Dana prays for me, listens to me, and has been such a support to me in every aspect of my life. We know that Anne Pearce and Anderson will be best buds just like their mommies. This blog would not be complete without mention of them. Dana and Anderson, LouLou loves you both.

PS. Dana emailed me today that Anderson has caught up with Anne Pearce. She was more than double his size at birth, and now they are both chunky little angels.

1 comment:

danaeddins said...

LOULOU! of course i teared up while reading your post! the picture of Anderson's feet really got me! i'm looking at his little chunky self lying on his daddy's chest right now! He DEFINITELY cries when he's hungry now! we BOTH have miracle babies! i can't wait to come stay with y'all in the spring- then it will be MY turn to get up in the middle of the night with YOUR baby. love you lots (shut up) dana

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