Friday, January 12, 2007

Can I just say that I am about to explode?!?!?!

I am ready to be there now holding my baby! I've been trying to get my things together to pack. It's hard to pick out the "meet your daughter for the first time" outfit. I don't know why I worry.....I'm sure no one will be looking at me in any of the pictures or videos! Anne Pearce will be the star. My friend, Karen, just emailed that she is there now, and her baby is perfect. I have to admit that I am envious. She and Abbie will be there to meet us when we arrive Monday.

Andrew has been playing with our new camcorder. Hopefully he has it all figured out. I just want to point and shoot......he will be the one posting all the video.

I wish I could go to sleep and wake up when it's time to go!!!!!

Impatiently yours,
Lou (Anne Pearce's mommy)


Anonymous said...

Hey Lou,
I am so excited that you will be holding your precious baby so soon. Best wishes to all of you on your trip. Chrystal

Angel said...

I KNOW how exciting it is. YAY!!!!!!! Can't wait to see those pictures. Angel

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