Friday, November 30, 2007

I just wrote a post on Nat's blog........

Click here to go read it.....

Sunday, November 25, 2007

We have an UNWANTED visitor at my house.......

The Poo Flu has moved in........ Poor AP has been SICK SICK SICK! That MAY have something to do with the fact that my team got beat for the 6th straight year by stinky Auburn...... She has been sick since Thanksgiving night, and now Logan has it too. I have been up to my elbows in dirty diapers. She feels SO bad and doesn't understand what's going on. She's very whiny, which isn't like her at all. This morning when I woke up I was greeted by a diaper that had leaked all in her pj's, and it got all over me when I picked her up. Good morning, Mama! Poor Baby! Please pray that she and Logan get better soon. AP and I are going to Natalie's EARLY Thursday morning (YEAH!), and we all need to be WELL....... Hope everyone out there in bloggerworld is doing better than we are!!!!!!!

I do have one request..... This is my friend, Sydney. Syd is one month and 5 days younger than AP, and she needs to be HOME! Her mommy, Kristi, is beyond ready to have this sweetie home. Will you all please say special prayers that Syd flies through PGN this time???? I know that Sydney is saying "ROLL TIDE ROLL" all the way in Guatemala, because her mommy is already teaching her well. She is thinking that next year we will show AUBURN, and she and AP will be cheering in their matching cheerleader outfits! Is this not the sweeetest face????

Thursday, November 22, 2007

What a blessed mama I am..........

What a wonderful day we had...... I can't even describe what it meant to me to have all 3 of my wonderful kiddos on Thanksgiving. It was AMAZING! Last year at Thanksgiving we prayed for Anne Pearce and thanked God that He was sending her to us. It was so hard not having my daughter with us for all the holidays, but I knew that this year would be different. Thanksgiving is all about family...... I sure am thankful for all God has given me! The following pictures are of my biggest blessings.......

Thanksgiving Eve....helping Mommy cook. (that's Nat on the phone)
" Helping" Mommy in the kitchen...
Anne Pearce's first bite of Thanksgiving dinner. It was turkey, of course.
I like this stuff!
AP's plate of green bean casserole, sweet potato souffle, dressing, turkey, and limas.
The big kids and Grandmama....
Hey Aunt Jenny!!!! What does this remind you of????
WE missed you, Aunt Jenny!
Paw Paw! Great job on the turkey....

After lunch AP climbed up with Paw Paw to play with Muffin.
She really does like her even though she has this funny look on her face.
Can you tell what she's holding??
Hey Muffin!
Grandmama, Look at me!
Attempts at a shot of my 3 very wiggly children....
attempt 2....
attempt 3......
How precious are they????
My sweet hubby with 2 kids (where'd Hayden go??)

I love this pic.....Logan looks so GORGEOUS! LADYKILLER!!!!!
He loves his sister so much!

Attempts at a pic of the 3 of us.....

More pics......

Happy Thanksgiving, Anne Pearce!

One happy Mommy!!!!
Check out Hayden....

I don't think there's one pic with all of our eyes open!

OOPS again....

Our happy family!
Now, the star of the show......

Look at that smile....straight from heaven!
This girl is such a gift to all of us!
On the way home......
I hope all of you had a wonderful day! Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

Don't send a lame Holiday eCard. Try JibJab Sendables!