Thursday, January 4, 2007

I'm feeling a little overwhelmed right now!

I have been so restless tonight. Maybe it's because Andrew and I will be meeting our daughter so soon. I have been overwhelmed with emotions. We both adore our baby from her pictures, and she is already in our hearts, BUT meeting her will make this so much more real. I can't imagine actually holding her in my arms, giving her a bath, or giving her a bottle. I even get excited at the thought of changing her diapers. What I don't let myself really think about is leaving her. I can't even begin to imagine how difficult that will be. Please pray for me (and Drew) to have strength. I am trying to focus on the joy of having her for a visit at all and not on the terror of having to leave her.

You all should see her suitcase and her room. Ask's a mess. Clothes, diapers, toys, you name's all over the place. Even with all the stuff we're taking I'm sure we're missing something. You guys should see all the stuff that Cindy has monogrammed for her. PRECIOUS! That child should have no trouble learning her name or initials.

A friend from my online group, Karen, will be in Guatemala the same time that we will. She is going to visit her daughter, Abbie. We are going to be each other's photographers. Karen has graciously offered to film our first meeting with Abbie in a Snugli (that's one more thing I need to go buy), so you'll all get to see our blubbering and carrying on.

10 days and counting..........


Angel said...

My advice is to observe the foster family with your child. When I went for the first visit I was trrified about leaving. It was hard. However, after getting to know the foster family I KNEW that my little girl was okay. It gave me so much more peace. I knew she was attached to and loved by them. I felt much more calm after visiting. I hope you feel the same way. Congrats!!


Karen D. said...

Hi Lou!

I can't wait! This time next Friday morning, I'll be on my way to the airport and less than 12 hours away from meeting Abbie! I've got to get ready this weekend! Ugh! I'll see ya in GC!

:-) Karen

LouLou said...

Thanks for the advice Angel! I hope we have the opportunity to spend some time with the foster family. Do you still have the list of questions you asked about the baby?

I can't wait to see you either. We'll both be holding our babies soon!!!

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