Thursday, June 21, 2007

Ok, I'm a little better.....

You know how when you get it in your head the way something's going to happen and then your plans suddenly change and you feel a little sick??? Well, that's the way I was today. Based on the timeframe given to us by our attorney we SHOULD have been coming home next week. That's why we went ahead and booked the tickets and everything. BTW, I'm glad we DID book this room, because you can't find a room here now to save your life! There is a big Olympic Committee Conference, and the Russian government is supposed to be HERE next week. If we weren't already in this room we would be out of luck! So, we have a room, and I have AP. More importantly I have God here with me in this hotel room. He has stayed with me the entire time. Even though things aren't working out the way I had hoped I trust He has His reasons! I know it will be hard for Andrew and the boys to leave me, but I will be home the next Friday! One more week apart.............we can do it. I know there are plenty of others who have done it. I know how blessed I am to be here, but this is the LONGEST I have EVER been away from my other children in their entire lives! Andrew and I have never been separated longer than a couple of days, and we don't like it. I do trust that there is some reason God wanted me to come on. This bonding time with Anne Pearce has been priceless! She is my little angel for sure. Am I giving up on coming home with Andrew and the boys??? NO WAY!!! I have been reminded of all the miracles God has given for Anne Pearce, and the embassy is not above Him. If it's His will that I stay here 2 more weeks then I will gladly follow His will. It is hard, but He will give me the strength! And what a happy homecoming that will be!!!! Thank you for all the sweet comments and support. Mama and Daddy, I love and miss you so much. I can't wait to hand you your granddaughter at the airport! Jenny and Liv..... I can't wait to see you. Mimi, I love you so much! Thank you for all the kind words. You are such a wonderful person (you gave me my Daisy) and you support me like I am your own child. Thank you so much. I can feel your love and prayers from here! KEEP IT UP!!!! Daisy, Lisa, Karen.....keep praying for us! I can also feel your love and prayers. Maggie, don't forget your loulou! I miss you so much it makes me cry! Anne Pearce is so lucky to have all of you who love her so much..... Her mommy is blessed too! Karen, please call the church and have Chip pray for this Sunday! Also, go ahead and set up her baptisim! We will celebrate in God's house!!! To all my blogging buds....thank you for reading and supporting us. I know I will be home soon! I am praying for all the babies! Sorry if this sounds like a pity party!!!! I am trying to stay positive and be grateful for what I have. And what I have is this sweet thing:


Ginger--Maya's mommy said...

Glad you are feeling better!! I have been praying for you. Tomorrow is a new day!!!

Cameo said...

My dearest Lou Lou, all I can say is that I prayed for both you and Natalie all day today and so are my mom and sissy. After looking at all your pictures, I just need to tell you that I can SEE the glow you have with them, ALL of them! Bella, AP and Kennedy. You know how some women are mom's and some were born to be moms? I can see that you were born to be a mom!!! And that, my dear, is my highest compliment I could ever give someone. Love you and hang in there!!!!

The Cook said...

I am so sorry, i know how much it stinks to have your heart set on something and to have it not work out as planned. The important thing is you are with AP and you have Nat there. Enjoy your time, believe it or not sometimes I miss the time in Kaz and when i was there I could not wait to get home. It was nice to have some quality bonding time with my princess.

Doripink said...

Your faith and strength is inspiring! You have such an amazing outlook on life and the things the God places before us. AP is one VERY lucky little girl to call you mom! I will continue to keep you and your famiy (Nat and Bella too) in my prayers!

Bekah said...

Lou, I am so glad to hear that you are focusing on your blessings because you are BLESSED! I would love to be in Guatemala right now bringing my daughter home in two weeks hanging out with you and the other Guatemamas! You will never have this time back where you and AP can be alone in the beautiful, beautiful country of her birth with other fabulous guatemamas and their babies. The time will go by so quickly and then you'll be home. Embrace this time girl because it is a precious privilege.

Katie said...

You are right ... God WILL give you the strength !! He gave us the strength to live down there for 8 long months !!

Sweet To Our Seoul said...

You are such a strong woman, I know God will get you through!! Still Praying for you!! Have fun with AP today!

Kristi said...

If God brings you to it, HE WILL bring you through it!! Hang in there Lou - you'll be home so very soon!! Hugs to you and AP!!

Rose said...

I will be there July 1st - 6th. ~R.

Gail said...

I am so impressed with your courage and strong spirit. I think God has kept you down there to help others, including Natalie.
Bless you,

Jami said...

Lou - I'm praying for you girl! I know how much you want to be home and onto normal life!! You're doing awesome down there! I love you!

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you are feeling better. I know you had your heart set on leaving with Andrew and the boys but it is almost over and once it is's over.
At least you have Natalie there...that should help some.

Steve & Amy said...

It's just one more week, then you will have the rest of your lives together at HOME. I know you can do it girl:) I'm praying for you! Hang in there God has a plan for you!

It's Me....Dea said...

Hang in there, Lou. You can see the light at the end of the tunnel now...actually you are holding that light in your arms. Give her a kiss from us.
The week of the 4th makes for a true Independence Day, doesn't it?

love you, girl.

Anonymous said...

Everything will work out. You have trusted God through this entire process, and He has never let you down. Just have faith! I know it must be so hard, and I can't even imagine how hard it is and the strength it is taking for you to stay there by yourself with AP. You are one of the strongest people I know, and I also know that God will continue to bless you and your family. My prayers are with you!!!
Love, Abby

Anonymous said...

HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!! It won't be long now. You made me cry!!! Your words are so sweet and very cherished. I am up at 2:30 a.m.!! Why?? Well I don't know. Just could not sleep. You are so precious and I can't wait to see you all. I am having a test done at the hospital on the 3rd, so I hope we can hang out at Daisy's and go to the airport with them. (Nothing serious, just routine stuff for a Crohn's patient). It will be such fun and we can hardly wait. God is sooooooooo good, isn't He? When you get home, it will be kinda like having been in labor (a very long labor!! :) But, when you get here you will forget all about the "pains" and life will be so good. I know Maggie's "boys" are so excited. Wish I could see them when they see AP. Post lots of pics of them. Better try to get to bed.


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