Tuesday, June 5, 2007

So you want to see what's going on at my house????

PACKING! Yes, folks, I have started the ominous project. AP is just about packed. You know I JUST UNpacked right before Nat came....... It wasn't too bad just putting the same stuff back in. Did you know that babies need a TON of stuff??? It's been so long since I had a little baby.... I FORGOT!!!! I'm remembering now. ;) I actually still have some room in AP's bag. I am going to stuff until I can't stuff anymore. I don't care if I have to pay a fee for extra luggage....3 weeks is a long time. So, now onto my packing. You will see from the pics that I am not nearly as far along in the process for myself! My packing consists of a pile of clothes on my bedroom floor. What am I going to do about laundry???? It costs a fortune to do it at the Marriott....like $2 for each pair of panties. I have alerted friends in Guatemala, and they are trying to find me a laundromat close to the Marriott. Can you guys wait to see that or what??? Me in a Guatemalan laundromat!!! That will make for some interesting blogging! I could stay on this puter forever, but I guess I need to get back to work.
Also, I want us all remember several of my blogging buds in prayer along with Bella: Abbie needs OUT of PGN as does Hudson, Kaylon, and Ava. Please also pray with Tricia that sweet Sofia gets back IN ASAP! Amanda is also waiting to hear about her Bellaboo's case with the FC judge! I know we have others who also need out, but these babies have been in TOO long already. Hey Barrios!!!! Get that pen moving, and let these babies OUT!!!!! AP wants to party down in GC with all her buddies!

Daisy and I are headed to Mama's tomorrow for one last helping of fried chicken before my trip. That sweet thing picked me up so much stuff from Target today including a new snot sucker for AP and dirty diaper bags. I love you Daisy!!!

Here is AP's almost finished HUGE bag.....
Here is my pile!!!!
These are my handy dandy Space Saver Travel Bags that Nat assures me will save my life when cramming 3 weeks worth of clothing into one bag! I love you Nat!!!
Taking a break for one of these.......Can't get too many before I leave! Gotta stock up!


Kerry said...

Teehee. Snot sucker. We call ours the booger snatcher!

The space bags WILL save you. You can take a ton more stuff. And email Holly about the laundry thing. I remember something about her and cheap laundry.

theowensclan said...

You might want to carry an empty suitcase for buying souvenirs. It would be great to get some momentos from A.P.'s birth country. She'd look really cute dressed in some authentic clothing from Guatemala. I can't wait to meet you and A.P. She is absolutely beautiful. I tell Andrea all of the time how much I love her hair. I'm glad it's not customary to shave little girls hair like they do the boys.

Abby Jones said...

I couldn't imagine having to pack that much stuff for that long. I know you'll get it all done. I am counting down the days with you! I can't wait to meet that sweet little girl! I also know that I'm not the only one. Don't stress out too much about the packing thing and the laundry thing, they'll all work themselves out. Everything else has!!! Keep packing!!!
Love, Abby

Natalie said...

I'm glad you FINALLY listened to me about the Space Bags ;) We can actually thank Kerry for that tip...she gave it to me back in December. If you forget anything, or need more stuff, let me know...KT and I can bring it with us...we'll get to bring more luggage.

Andrea said...

I'll have to take the advice on the space saver bags, too. We tend to wAAAAAAAAY overpack, so that will help!

Okay, so I see we have the same great taste. I have the same pink and brown checked shorts. I affectionately call them my "old lady shorts" :) I actually need to get a picture of me in them, because I look a lot like my grandmother getting ready to hit the golf course. Too funny!

I am SOOOOO excited for you. Thank you for the prayers to get K. out. We all need our babies home!!!

Ginger--Maya's mommy said...

Hey girl!! You better add more stuff in AP's bag. Maya's is stuffed!!! I mean stuffed!!! See ya soon!!!!

Jami said...

You're so cute Lou! Thanks for the prayers requested for my boy!! I love you and I WANT to be back in GC with you and sweet AP!!!

The Cook said...

that is exactly how my room looked 9 weeks ago when we were packing. It is so exciting that you will be there soon. AP is a doll and your friendship with Nat is so sweet.

P.S. your hubby is so dang cute.

LouLou said...

Thanks Muriel! I agree. He is not only cute as he can be, but he's even more beautiful on the inside!

Lori and Robby said...

Lou, forget about doing laundry in the city -- I am going to have a washer and dryer in my apartment! That's got to be worth a little drive to Antigua... You don't even have to bring your own detergent. :)

Shannon said...

Oh, how I love packing stuff for the baby!!!! LOVE IT!!!

I hear ya about washing clothes at the Marriott! I bought Tide travel pouches and washed Analise's clothes in the bathtub!! It worked out pretty well!!!

Cameo said...

I was going to ask if you had bought the space savers yet!!! You guys crack me up! I can't wait for your first post after you get AP FOREVER!!!!! WOOHOO MY LOU LOU!!!!!! had to write that, it rhymed so cute!

Karen D. said...

Thank you so much for the prayer request to get Abbie out of PGN!!!! I don't envy you on the packing thing! I always have a hard time packing- either too much for not enough! This trip will be worth all the packing though! I can't wait to hear all about it!

Love Ya!

Emily said...

Look at all that stuff! I can't imagine trying to pack everything for 3 weeks in another country. At least you have been able to get a lot of advice from others who have been there about what you'll need and where to do laundry (I can't wait to see that post!) Good luck packing!

Anonymous said...

Girl, the snot sucker was the least I could do!! I'm on a CRAZY search for a Lamby for Anne Pearce, but it's not going quite as successfully as my Target trip yesterday. I'm GONNA find one, though. We all agree that baby NEEDS a Lamby!! =)
Keep packing and know that daily I am praying for peace, speediness in the process and safety and health!! It will be here soon!!
lovealee, daisy

Tam said...

Yeah, I remember packing a huge, stuffed suitcase for the stuff I was taking Kevin and wondering what the heck I was going to take for myself....Have a great trip!

Andrea said...

WOW! Girl, your suitcase is A LOT fuller than mine!!! I guess you are staying an extra week!! hehe

I have decided I am packing one week's worth of clothes for myself and I will just have them washed once while I'm there. NOW JP is a different story---I've packed a lot more for that little guy! You'll die when you see his little Embassy outfit!!! He's gonna be such a little "golfer!"

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