Saturday, June 9, 2007

Please help some fellow Guatemamas!

I have been amazed by the amount of prayer, love, and support for AP's adoption that our family has been blessed by. Today, I am asking that you direct your energy to some Guatemamas who are STRANDED in Guatemala. I don't know them personally, but we they need YOUR help!!! I NEED YOU GUYS TO MAKE A DONATION! I don't care if it's 5 bucks, but please donate SOMETHING!!! I know that with the number of hits I get daily that we could raise ATLEAST $1000 from my site alone! Come on my faithful blog readers, let's do somethng today to make a difference...... Please visit Holly or Tricia to make a donation. Please guys.... I am counting on you!


Andrea said...

Thank you, Lou! Every little bit helps!! I have a button up, too :)

Karen D. said...

Hey! I donated early this morning before I went to graduation! We have to help our fellow Guatemamas! Ann read about it on your blog and has asked me a lot of questions about it. I don't know the ins and outs and the whys of it, but I know that we need to help!

Love you!

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