Friday, June 29, 2007

Embassy???? Check!!!!!

Our appt. at the embassy is DONE and was pretty uneventful. I still couldn't believe that we were there and that we ARE DONE! Anne Pearce likes to sleep late in the mornings, and she didn't like being up that early. When we got back to the hotel she took a 2 hour nap.....Mommy did too! So now we wait until Monday afternoon when Andrew will go pick up her visa, and then we COME HOME TUESDAY morning!!!!! WHOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOO!! We are all enjoying being together, but we are so ready to be back home. I miss Alabama food!!!!! Here are some pics of AP eating her lunch. She GAGGED over the peas! Hayden caught her famous eyerolling on video. You have to suffer through some random taping, but watch for's there!

The boys and the babies!
Just hangin out in the lobby!

Hayden put the diaper bag in the baby carrier, because the babies were too hot to ride!
Hayden healying around the Marriott....

Here is the famous eye roll!

Our appt. at the embassy is DONE and was pretty uneventful. I still couldn't believe that we were there and that we ARE DONE! Anne Pearce likes to sleep late in the mornings, and she didn't like being up that early. When we got back to the hotel she took a 2 hour nap.....Mommy did too! So now we wait until Monday afternoon when Andrew will go pick up her visa, and then we COME HOME TUESDAY morning!!!!! WHOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOO!! We are all enjoying being together, but we are so ready to be back home. I miss Alabama food!!!!! Here are some pics of AP eating her lunch. She GAGGED over the peas! Hayden caught her famous eyerolling on video. You have to suffer through some random taping, but watch for's there!


Anonymous said...

Look at that sweet girl rolling those pretty eyes!!! Maggie loved getting to see y'all all on the camera tonight. She's definitely ready for her LouLou to come home!
I hope you can enjoy the weekend and that Tuesday will be here soon. Praying for safe and easy travel!!!
love, daisy

Karen D. said...

Yea! You finally posted pics! I have been stalking your blog all day to see pics from Embassy day! I wish that I were there!!!

Take Care!
Love and prayers,

Steve & Amy said...

YIPEE!!! So glad that everything went well for you today! Glad to see the carrier being put to use:) LOVE the pics! It won't be long now until your home with AP FOREVER!!! Congrats!!! Give AP kisses from us! (We wanted to know what did she wear to the embassy?? Was everything monogramemed??:)Love Ya!

theowensclan said...

Alabama food is the best!! I am SO happy you guys are done. There will be some partying in 'Bama town. I can't wait to see the pictures from your homecoming.

Tam said...

Fantastic! Almost home...

Emily said...

You are so close to the end of this journey!!! I am so happy for you and your family. It would be great to be a part of the celebration when your plane lands in the US and AP becomes a US citizen!

Bekah said...

Almost there! I can't imagine how excited and relieved you are. What a special special time for your family.

Andrea said...


Don't send a lame Holiday eCard. Try JibJab Sendables!