Saturday, February 3, 2007

Wish I had ANY real news to post.......

Unfortunately, I still don't have any news about our interview at the Family Court. I keep expecting to hear something. I check my email about 200 times a day. Whew! This adoption is hard business. I was talking to my dear friend, Dea, today. We are very close friends and met at work. She USED to be my boss! We are glad that is behind us, although we enjoyed working together. She is in the process of adopting from China, and she started the process over 18 months ago, and she still has atleast 6 more months to go. It's very difficult for her. We were discussing how most people are interested in adoption and they want to say "something". It seems the most common thing to say is "When will you bring her home?" and "Why does it take so long?". I'm sure all of you other adopting mommies hear the same thing. I wish I had something to say to all these people. I get tired of trying to come up with answers and not get frustrated or impatient with answering the same question over and over again. I feel like having a button made that says "Ask me about Anne Pearce in May". Dea and I both know that our girls WILL be home one day soon, and all this will be a distant memory. We can't wait to have both our little women in strollers shopping somewhere or just playing at the park. THAT will be a happy moment.

God has blessed me with so many wonderful women in my life. He has given me the most fantastic friends on this planet, and I am so thankful for that.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

YOU are a fantastic friend & you deserve nothing more than that in return. Y'all are just an awesome family. We had a visit from Pookie & Poppa today, and that was the ONLY thing that kept Maggie from raiding your house today. =)
We are praying for big news on Monday,

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