Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Ask me the same question as yesterday.....

NO, I'm still not packed! Andrew is taking tomorrow off, so we can get down to business. It's so hard getting ready to be gone for 8 days and getting a hubby and kids ready as well. We have to tomorrow........there's no choice!

I can't wait to see my baby girl! Andrew and I are so excited. I am trying to think of my favorite American foods to eat before we go. I think we're going to go have fried chicken tomorrow. That's my fav.

We are supposed to go into PGN either tomorrow or Friday. Our attorney's office is finishing up the preparations for our dossier. I'm glad that they are so specific with our paperwork. That will mean less obstacles later!

Post more tomorrow!

1 comment:

Natalie said...

I am so excited to see pictures of you with your baby girl! I know it will put your mind at ease during your trip to be submitted to PGN.

Now get packing!!!! :)

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