Friday, February 9, 2007

I'm having a tough time today....

Poor Andrew and Daisy....they catch the brunt of my negativity! I am just so SAD. First of all, let me say that I am so happy for all of my friends who hear great news. I pray for all our babes every day, and I can't wait for them ALL to be home. It's just difficult when others are flying by and AP is still sitting still! I saw a post on the boards today. A baby girl over 2 weeks younger than AP just got out of PGN! We are still in Family Court. I know that God has a plan, and that He will bring her home. My faith gets me through this, but there are times when I just want to bang my head up against the wall. I know that AP has probably seen her birthmom by now at her interview. My stomach is in knots!!!!

Our little angel will be 4 months old tomorrow. I just want her home. Nobody ever told me that this adoption process would be easy, but sometimes I can't believe just how difficult it really is. Don't you all freak out......I am ok........I just miss the baby! I continue to pray for good news for ALL of us. YOU guys out there help me get through all this!



Karen D. said...

Hey! I left you a message on your phone earlier. I am here for you if you need me! After all I went through with the attempts to adopt Anslie, I know how hard it is to see others fly through the process! You guys have been on my heart all day!

Love Ya!

PS- I saw the post that you are referring to! I wonder how they got through PGN in less than a month!?

Anonymous said...

PGN in a month!! Wow. What post is that Lou? Never heard it going that quickly.


Tricia said...

Hey Lou, I feel your pain, sista!

We signed our POA IN GUATEMALA in early November......Sofia will be 4 months old next week, and STILL no FC interviews.

I want to SCREAM!

Okay, so I do scream, but.....just know that we are all in this together!

PRAYING Anne Pearce H-O-M-E!

Sig said...

AP will come home, it is daunting and frustraing that we have no control, but her interviews are bound to be very soon!
Hopeyour stay in PGN is ultra short.

Rose said...

hey Lou,
said a prayer for you.....its all going to work out. You are going to have AP sooner than you think. I know, I see all those posts and get discouraged too. especially when people get updates and I don't. She has a wonderful foster mother taking care of her and she will be with you SO soon. What does your agency say. How many more months? You never know you might be one of those 2 weeker PGNers and we will all envy you!
Love Rose

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