Monday, February 26, 2007

I should be packing...........

But I'm not....not yet anyway. Daisy and I are going tomorrow to wrap up the last minute shopping. I'm sure we'll find SOMETHING that AP HAS to have. My friend, Karen heard from her passport today, so she is Guatemala bound!! I can't wait for her to meet her goddaughter. I keep threatening Daisy that I'm going to stuff Maggie in a suitcase and take her with me too. The boys are alright with this trip, since they are going on pick-up. Much better moods than last time from my little men! Andrew hasn't packed either, but men can get together in 5 minutes or less. With me, it's a process. I have been feeling horrible the last few days, but I feel my energy coming back just in time for our trip. I can't wait to see AP's first tooth and what her hair is doing. I ordered her tons of bows, but they haven't shown up yet! Let's all cross our fingers!!! AP must have bows. I'll post some more later. Daisy and I are on the great highchair chase tomorrow. I haven't found one that I really love yet. Does anyone have any suggestions??


Natalie said...

Oh Lou, I'm so excited for you! You will have such a wonderful time! Have fun with your last-minute shopping!

Sorry, no recommendations on high chairs.

Karen D. said...

Hey! Abbie has the Fisher Price Aquarium Healthy High Chair that my mom and step dad gave me for Anslie over a year ago. It's still boxed up in the garage along with her pack 'n' play. I hear it's a great chair!

Love Ya!

Anonymous said...

KA has the same chair as Karens Abbie. I love it. Even though it is not pink.

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