Monday, February 19, 2007

Little Olivia.....

How pretty is this child?
Moms..... can you guess what she's doing? The itsy bitsy spider!
When I first began this adoption journey I searched the internet constantly looking for information. I found Carolyn. Carolyn is a single mom who is a teacher. As we emailed back and forth we learned that we had much more in common. Carolyn allowed me to follow along on her journey to adopt Olivia through her website and email. She explained things to me and always has a sympathetic ear. I rejoiced when sweet Olivia came home. I remember seeing a picture of her sitting in the airplane seat and just crying knowing she was REALLY coming home. Olivia has had a wonderful transition. She is doing really well except for one thing.......ASTHMA. She has developed severe asthma and has had to have several emergency treatments. This is very hard on her little body. Carolyn says that all the meds make her hungry, cranky, and unable to sleep. I have bragged on all my prayer warrior blogging buds, and I promised this sweet baby's mama that we will go to war for Olivia. Will you all join with me to "pray this baby well"?


Bekah said...

We will be praying for little Olivia.

Karen D. said...

I will be praying for her as well!

We need an adoption prayer request website or prayer chain!

See Ya on April 9th!!!!!

:-) Karen

It's Me....Dea said...

I'll add Olivia to our prayer chain at church, as well as my own prayers.
You know Conner's asthma used to be terrible too. It took time to figure out his "triggers," but he is doing great now. Hopefully Olivia will get there soon.

Don't send a lame Holiday eCard. Try JibJab Sendables!