Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Me and my friend, Maggie

LouLou trying to steal a kiss. She usually gives them freely.....

This is one of Maggie's many faces.....

Maggie lives across the street from me, and is one of my best friends (as is her mom, Daisy). Our entire family loves Maggie to pieces. She calls us Anjuu and loulou. Logan is Logie, and Hayden is Haynen. She is so precious to us. It amazes all of us how close we have all gotten in such a short period of time. We are so blessed to have Maggie, Daisy, and Wyatt in our family. These pictures were taken today on a "Maggie Visit".

Maggie and LouLou

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Aww!! Y'all are sooooo wonderful!!! You have no idea how thankful we are for all of you!! Anne Pearce is one lucky little girl. =)
love, Daisy

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