Thursday, February 8, 2007

Stomach Bug has been squashed!

Thank goodness! I thought I was dying this time yesterday. It's funny what a little salmonella will do to you.

Hayden had a school project due today. It was called a parade of books. For those of you that don't live on the Gulf Coast, Mardi Gras is huge around here. We even get out of school for 2 days!! The 4th grade at Hayden's school all made floats from their favorite books. Hayden did his on The Cay, by Theodore Taylor. I thought it was great. Maggie and Daisy went with me to watch the parade. You could tell the kids that had no help, the kids whose parents did it all, and kids like Hayden who had a little support. I have to say that Hayden did the majority of the work himself and was very proud of it. We were all proud of him too!

I am waiting (impatiently) for the FC interview to be done tomorrow. Stephanie reminded me what a sad day it HAS to be for Anne Pearce's birthmom. I pray that our foster mother gets a chance to tell her a little bit about us, so she will know how much AP is loved. Let's all pray for them all tomorrow. Let's also all pray that the social worker is "Speedy Gonzoles" and gets the report written pronto! I know all our prayers will bring all these babies home.
Love to all,

1 comment:

Rose said...

Aren't school projects fun! Lexy had to make a Volcano last year and the teacher said the kids needed to do it themselves. Boy, you could tell most parents did it and poor Lexy's looked like an ant hill on fire. Ha
I hope your Foster mother tells the birth mother about you.....that will give her so much peace. Talked to my social worker today and she said that Guatemala is not returning her emails. This makes me really sad. I hope things are ok over there. I'll check back tomorrow! R.

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