Friday, February 16, 2007

Miracles happen every day!

A few nights ago my youngest son, Hayden, came to me a little distressed. He explained that he didn't want anyone to come to the airport or by our house for a few days after the baby comes home. He said that he wouldn't let anyone else hold her. He said that he and Logan would need a chance to get to know their new sister before everyone else "got their hands on her."I thought and thought about what he said, and I began to see how important it is that they be able to go with us for the pick-up trip. After all, they are a huge part of this family, and this affects them as much as it affects us. I guess it would kind of be like me having a baby biologically and them not get to come to the hospital. The down side of this is that it will cost a lot more to take 2 more people as all my adopting friends know very well. I prayed that night and asked God to show me if He wanted them to go. Today my mom and I went to lunch then stopped in a little shop in town. This shop has been very supportive in our adoption. When we were in the middle of our fundraising we made handmade crosses to raise money (that story is on an earlier post). This store sold our crosses and gave us all the money. The store clerk was asking about the progress in AP's adoption, and I started telling her the story about all of us wanting the boys to be able to go. A complete stranger was in there, and she joined in our conversation. We all discussed how good God is, and I described some of the miracles the Lord has shown us in this adoption. I could feel God's presence as we were talking. I knew in that moment that He would provide the means for the boys to go. As I was leaving the store the clerk came up and gave me a big hug and an envelope. In that envelope was $25 from her and $100 from that complete stranger! I cried, she cried, and my mom cried. God spoke to us all right there, and showed us what he wants us to do. We have a lot more money to raise, but this is a wonderful start. I intend to start the paperwork and get the boys' passports. I know the rest will come. I have learned that when I put all my faith in God and give Him all the glory wonderful things happen. It was no coincidence that we just "happened" to be in the same shop as that kind stranger. God puts us in situations all the time and gives us the opportunity to give Him praise and share our Christian experience with each other. All this is part of my Heavenly Father's plan to bring my daughter home. I can now see how important Logan and Hayden being there is to Him! It's not about doing what WE's about listening to Him and doing HIS will. I love seeing God working in all our lives. The things that we all go through during this adoption journey are difficult for us, but our faith and trust gives others the strength THEY need in their lives. We touch so many lives through this process, and let's give HIM ALL THE GLORY!

Love and blessings to you all,
A very happy and humble mommy, Lou


Karen D. said...

God can make it happen! I think that it would be wonderful if the boys could go with you guys on Pick UP! They are a part of this! I will be praying that it is possible for them to go!

Love Ya!

Andrea said...

What a wonderful tesitmony!! God sure IS good!

Tricia said...

THAT IS AWESOME! What a DIRECT answer to prayer!

Thanks for your support & encouragement today! Your comment blessed my heart!

I'm praying Anne Pearce HOME!

It's Me....Dea said...

Of course the boys are supposed to go! It seems so obvious (now) doesn't it? What a wonderful testimony...when you ask God, he tells you :-). You're whole experience has been an amazingly strong journey of, how about asking God if Aunt Dea can come too :-) JK, I can't wait to throw a party for you at the airport.

Anonymous said...

That is SO precious!! Even though I was so young when it happened... going with my parents to Paraguay to get Nathan and Nicole was one of the most amazing and special experiences of my life. I am so excited for Logan and Hayden to have that experience too.
Much love and prayer,

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