Friday, February 23, 2007

No PGN today, but that's ok.

I just heard from Guatemala that we aren't being put in PGN today. Here is an excerpt from the email:

"I'm afraid to let you know that our assistant just told me that it was not possible to submit it today to PGN as it is missing some documents required for the birth mother from the Civil Registry. This documents are required to the Civil Registry and they take some days to get issued. Our assistant thinks the dossier will be submitted to PGN around Thursday next week. "

I am praising God right now for this delay. I know He has a reason for it, and I will not worry or be depressed. I remember how I fretted over not being in FC and when we made it there we flew through!!! God knows everything, and I pray He is waiting to submit us to the perfect PGN worker!

Thanks for all your prayers and support!!


Anonymous said...

Lou -

Thank you for your strong faith and confidence in God. It is such a good reminder to me that GOD is still in matter what happens with the Guatemalan government, God is our KING!! "Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, and lean NOT on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge HIM and HE will direct your paths!" Prov. 3:5-6 PRAISE JESUS!!

Praying our babies home,

Angel said...

That is such a terriffic attitude. It is completely true. Keep hanging on to that. When I wrote my blog today I was especially thinking of all you waiting mommies. It is such a unexpainable pull at your heart while you wait. I think you are doing a great job. Hugs, Angel

I REALLY wish I could help with my secret agent status but alas I cannot! :0(

Bekah said...

Lou, I am encouraged and challenged by your faith. I feel like I struggle more than I should with trusting this entire process into the Lord's hands. What better hands could we be in?! and yet I struggle. Thanks for standing strong in our Lord!

Stacie said...

You've been a GREAT help to us, and I'm so glad that you are so strong in your faith! Never let anything get you down, because God is bigger than anything and everything!! We're praying for you, and we appreciate your prayers! We look forward to seeing more pictures of Anne Pearce, and we long for the day that we can show everyone pictures of Allie!

Jerry and Stacie

Karen D. said...

I am totally amazed by your attitude! You are SO strong! I know that we will both get into PGN next week! We both got out of FC this week! God can keep us on the same timeline!

Love Ya!

Andrea said...

Praise God for His strength!

Andrea said...

Lou- I am unable to open the prayer chain from my computer. Just know that I am praying DAILY for everyone!!

Andrea said...

What an amazing show of faith! I am stressing over no PA, and I need to praise God for getting THIS far. THank you for your post, and the strength it brought to me!

Natalie said...

Lou, you are a great example to me. Thank you for reminding me that our Heavenly Father knows the plan. We just need to continue to have hope and faith in knowing that everything is happening for a reason. Thank you so much for this post...I really needed it!

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