Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Our prayer chain....

OK guys, it sounds like several of us are wanting to start our prayer chain. We need to designate a certain time and day that we will all stop and pray SPECIFIC prayers for our babies. Send me an email with your baby's name and what stage or situation we need to pray for. Also throw out some ideas for times and days of the week. I am thinking Thursday either at 9:00am or 6:00pm. That should cover everybody, or we could do it on Saturdays. I'll compile a list and email everybody the specifics.

Send me your info to .

Prayer Works!


Andrea said...

I was unable to leave an email. My computer rejected it.

I think a prayer chain is a great idea. I could REALLY use that now!

Right now, our case is expected to re-enter PGN this week. So, I guess our prayer would be 1st-to actually enter then. 2nd-that the Lord will allow JP to exit in LESS than seven or eight weeks! Thanks. Email me if you want.

Karen D. said...

Hey! You know what my requests are! :-) I forwarded your e-mail to my friend Tracy to see if she would like to join too!

Love Ya!

Don't send a lame Holiday eCard. Try JibJab Sendables!