Wednesday, February 7, 2007

I got food poisoning today!

For real! I went to Daruma in Daphne which USED to be one of my favorite restaurants. Today I thought I was dying!!!!! On a brighter note, maybe I lost some weight....hahaha! Anyway, I am better but not up for much. We did hear from our foster mom via email, and from what I can gather she says that they will be in contact with me Saturday. Remember that the Family Court interview with AP's birthmom is Friday. Please pray for all of us.

More later,


Karen D. said...

I am glad that you are feeling better! That is NOT the way to loose weight!

I will probably post to my blog tomorrow, since it will be Abbie's 3 month B-Day. I will try and remember to post a prayer request on there for you guys!

Love Ya!

Natalie said...

Hi Lou! Wow, it really does look like we are moving along at the same pace, sadly, it's very slowly!

I'm excited to follow your progress!

Anne Pearce is adorable!

Hope you getting feeling much better soon.

Anonymous said...

Hope you are feeling better. Good luck with family court. Everything will be fine. We will say a prayer for you all. I will be looking for the update on Saturday.
Take care,

Andrea said...

I had the same thing happen- great way to lose weight, for a day. Then it all came back as soon as I held down some food! Bummer.

My son is just 4 days younger than AP! I love that there are so many of us (Natalie, Tricia, you, and I) that have babies so close in age.

I'll pray for the FC interviews. I know how hard it was when I knew that was the time Kaylon's birthmom would see him again.

Best wishes!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I hope you are feeling better, bad stomach's are teh WORST!!
I will also be praying for you, AP, and her birthmother on Friday! If anything else, it really makes you think about the sadness and loss that some of the birthmothers are feeling as they hold their babies one last time for the DNA photo, and are interviewed about why they have chosen this route of adoption. It made my heart sad for her that day!

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