Thursday, March 15, 2007

A Tribute to my Bloggin' Mamas.....

I know you guys are probably tired of me making videos, but I couldn't resist...

Please continue listening to the song after the pictures stop. God is telling all of us "Believe Me Now".

I love ALL you guys!


Anonymous said...

Lou - even though we've only known each other a short time...I love you and appreciate your friendship and support! Thanks for doing this!

Jami - I love getting to know all of you other Guatemamas too. I am addicted to these blogs! :)

Rose said...

ok....i'm trying to get out of my house and I thought I'd stop by and see whats going on with Lou and Ann pearce and couldn't stop crying. Now i have to go fix my mascara!! Just kidding. Thanks for the video how sweet and encouraging!!! much love, Rose

Andrea said...

AMAZING!! Your video was God-sent to me today. I came home from work with strep throat. This is a much better medicine that what the doctor prescribed!!!

Thanks!! Andrea&JP<><

Anonymous said...

Okay Lou, you got me crying this time. I love it.

Anonymous said...

I love the music. Who is singing the songs?

Unknown said...

Hi Lou,

Thanks so much! It was a great surprise. I was driving to work today having a rough time with all the waiting, it was a great to then feel connected to other people who are or have been in the same place!


Unknown said...

Hi Lou,

Thanks so much! It was a great surprise. I was driving to work today having a rough time with all the waiting, it was a great to then feel connected to other people who are or have been in the same place!


Natalie said... not fair...I am crying now! That was seriously amazing! What a special gift to us all. Thank you SO much are awesome.

Love ya!

Anonymous said...

It really is a beautiful video. You know I cried!! You've gotten me twice today!
I still think you're "nesting" for a reason!!! She's gonna' be home SOON!

Anonymous said...

It really is a beautiful video. You know I cried!! You've gotten me twice today!
I still think you're "nesting" for a reason!!! She's gonna' be home SOON!

Tricia said...

My sweet Lou, you ROCK! Thank you for your sweet, loving tribute to all of us. We are ALL SO BLESSED to have these incredible angels from heaven. I needed this today. I am a crying and the music REALLY ministered to me...
Big cyber-hugs, my friend.

Andrea said...

SO sweet! We Guatemama's gotta stick together. Thank you so much- it's been a bit of a rough day, so this helped.

And can I say we have some GORGEOUS children!!

Karen D. said...

That was soooo sweet of you to do that for us! You are the one who inspired me to blog (after I had lurked on other people's for a while!)! Thank you so much! I love my fellow Blogging Mommies too!

Thanks for your encouragement last night!

Love Ya!

Bekah said...

When I started our blog I had absolutely no idea how God would use it to bless me with all of this unexpected but oh so needed love and support. I want to meet all of you in person but for now I just want to thank you for being such dear friends and prayer warriors! It is amazing that I don't walk this journey alone and there are other mama's out there willing to stand with me both now and as our children come home and grow. Thanks so much Lou...I am blessed to tears.

Crystal said...

You are just the sweetest and I am so glad I found your blog!!!--Thank you so much for your sweet sweet comment!!! If you don't mind I will put in my favorites--I am so excited to follow your journey!!! Your baby girl is just so so so so beautiful and you --you are just as cute as you can be!!! :o) OOOH I will be praying for you--I think I saw someone say you had a prayer chain you can add me--I will pray!!! God will bring your babies home!!! I know the wait at times is excruiating but GOd will bring them home--I am praying for you sister!!!! hugs hugs hugs!!!

keelstar said...

Your video was so touching! I just loved seeing all of the families together, it is so obvious that God has a plan for each child. I have added you to my favorites and I plan to follow your adoption journey to bring Anne Pearce home! I hope & pray that we both have our babies home soon!


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