Thursday, March 8, 2007

How do you prepare yourself to give up a child for a second time?

Aunt Karen reading me a book.
Us in the lobby.
Playing with Mommy

Love this pose.

Have you ever seen anything sweeter?

A Guatemalan taxi. Look how tiny. They drive CRAZY here. What is a seat belt and car seat?? We don't know here!
This is my friend Tomas at the Marriott. He called me Anne and carried me around everyday that he saw me. He said he is waiting on us to come back soon.
Check out the Mohawk!
My Aunt Jenny requested a photo of me in the bathing suit even though we didn't get in the pool.
I love those feet!

Look how I loved the water on my toes....Look at Mommy's hair in the Guatemalan wind!

We couldn't get in the pool b/c of my cold, but Mommy dipped my toes in.
These guys were so excited when we came in. They all flirted and laughed while we were ordering.
Aunt Karen and Mommy couldn't resist taking my photo next to the Guatemalan Ronald McDonald.

My mommy loves me so......

If anyone has an idea....please let me know. Karen would tell you that I have done great today, but on the inside I feel like a part of me is about to be cut off. I can't believe that tomorrow I have to hand over my baby again. It seems so unfair. We all know that she needs to be home with all of us now. I wish someone would explain that to the United States and the Guatemalan governments. We keep hearing more and more that we need to be prepared to expect delays, as there are many changes taking place between the US and Guatemala concerning adoptions. I DO NOT accept this. Beneath all that red tape is this darling baby girl who needs to be home with her family and all those who love her. Now is the time that I remember that our Heavenly Father is SO much larger and stronger than any PGN or US Embassy worker. I refuse to believe that my Father who led me to this baby would keep me away from her any longer than He has planned. I truly keep my faith and am bold to ask him to grant us a miracle. We will give Him all the glory. There is absolutely NOTHING that any of us can do to speed her process. Only God can take care of her. But isn't the way we should always look at things? We all need to be willing to give God every detail of our lives. Giving her back AGAIN tomorrow will be the hardest thing I have ever done in my life, but I know that God won't give me more than I can handle. I am constantly praying for strength and peace. Please all understand that I will be very sad for a while, and I probably won't blog as much for now. I need a chance to get comfortable at home and TRY to get used to being without Anne Pearce. I am going to try to focus on the fact that now I am preparing to bring her home. My baby shower is in a few weeks, and my friend, Karen, from NC is coming to spend a week with me in April. All my adoptive blogging buds are going to continue to support each other and lift each other and our babies up in prayer. God has sent us all these children, and HE will bring them home.

Much love,



Anonymous said...

I am overwhelmed with emotion, and I cannot even begin to imagine how you must feel. Please know that we are here however you need us to be. We will miss her with you.

Anonymous said...

My prayers are with you during this difficult time. Carolyn and Olivia

Karen D. said...

I am here for you! I truly understand your pain! My prayers are with you today and everyday! God is going to do a miracle for both of our girls! I just know it!

This time one month from today, I will be at the airport waiting to board a plane to come see you! Yea!

Love and prayers,

Bekah said...

Praying for you, Lou. My heart breaks every time I read about another mom having to leave her precious baby behind. The whole process just seems unfair but I am thanking the Lord for blessing us all with these precious babies and praying hard that He will work a miracle on their (and our) behalf. He is faithful. Praying for you as you head home!

Unknown said...

Hi Lou,

I can so feel what you wrote. I was remembering what it was like the morning I had to hand Ava back over. I have never felt emotions that were so physical in all of my life. Keep remembering that the next time you hold that sweet baby you will be bringing her home!

Donna, waiting for Ava

Andrea said...

Hey girl!! I WISH I had some profound advice for you. OR some magic way for it not to hurt so bad. The ONLY thing I can tell you is to HANG ON TIGHT TO THE GOOD LORD!!!! His strength is TRULY the only thing that will help you during this time. My whole body aches on some days. No one but those who've done it understand! God WILL bring our babies home and SOON! I am absoulutely claiming that. Adoption is His idea and He's not going to allow His babies to get hung up in their birth country. Know that!! I am praying for you and AP! Remember that God loves our babies MORE than we do, and He's going to do what's best for them. And we all know what that is!! Hang in there "mommy!"

Ginger--Maya's mommy said...

I know exactly how you feel. I just gave my daughter back last week. Even though I know that I am out of PGN and will be back to get her soon it was still hard.

Angel said...

I truly know. I had to do it way too many times. It is harder every time to let go because you feel so ready to have them home. I'm so sorry for your sadness. Just remember she is cared for and loved. She is safe even though you miss her. Major hugs, Angel

Natalie said...

Thinking of you and praying for you today.

Rose said...

Don't really know what to say...but know we are thinking of you. Roseann

Anonymous said...

Happy 5 month birthday Anne Pearce!!!
Cheryl & Kayleigh Ann

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