Wednesday, March 14, 2007

8th day in PGN, but who's counting???

Does anyone else obsess like I do? I'm trying to be positive and focus that we've been through almost 2 weeks already! I pray constantly for our PGN miracle, and I truly believe that God is going to send it!!!! Thank you, God. I do know that she is well taken care of by her wonderful foster family. I also need to pray for them, because it won't be long until they have to give her up. I can't imagine how difficult that will be for all of them. They are truly angels on earth. I tell myself that there will come a day soon when Anne Pearce is home with me just hanging out and playing. It's hard to grasp sometimes that at the end of all this your baby actually comes to live with you. I know that sounds stupid, but sometimes I get so caught up in the process that it's hard to focus. So, this week I am going to get the nursery completely ready. I have alot of organizing to do and things to put up. I also have some small decorating projects. I have to get that room ready for it's occupant!!! My baby shower is April 1, and I am so excited. Karen is coming the week after Easter, and we are going to the beach with some other mommy friends for a few days. All these wonderful things will help me pass the time until our big arrival from Guatemala. I have been blessed with wonderful people in my life. My DH, Andrew, is my rock on earth, and my 2 sweet boys give me so much joy. All my fellow blogging mommies just rock. Period. I know there was no real point to this post....just my rambling feelings today. Thanks for listening/or reading........



Andrea said...

The "rambling" posts are usually the best ones!! Ramble on, girl! I am praying for you to get "out" really really soon!

Andrea said...

The "rambling" posts are usually the best ones!! Ramble on, girl! I am praying for you to get "out" really really soon!

Nan and Dan said...

You are not alone!!! :) I check my blog all the time since I have a count up clock from entry date of PGN. I just love to watch it click up!! It is so hard to not obssess about it. I am so praying for an Easter miracle!

Tracy said...

Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog. I am obessed with checking everyone's blog:) I cannot go one day without checking yours and Karen's. I am praying for you everyday!

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