Saturday, March 24, 2007

My Maggie and Daisy....

I know I said I wasn't going to post, but I just couldn't help it. How can a 22 month old baby know what I need when even I don't? I can't explain the relationship we have with Daisy, Wyatt, and Maggie. They are so much more than just friends. They are part of our family. We all love Maggie, and she knows that we adore her. You all know that I have had a difficult week. I have been tested and my emotions tried on every level. Tonight we were at Daisy and Wyatt's. They were gone yesterday and last night, and we didn't see Maggie until this afternoon. I swear that child has been able to feel my hurt and pain. I know it might not sound like much, but Maggie wanted me to rock her to sleep tonight. That's HUGE for Maggie. I know that Daisy missed her from the night before, but she was gracious enough to share her with me. Maggie knew that I needed to love on a baby. I can't tell you what good it did my soul to rock that sweet angel to sleep. I know that God will send my daughter home in His time. Of course, I hope that we have a miracle. I won't quit praying for that until she comes home. I just know that I'm blessed that God has given me such wonderful people to love and support me during this difficult time of waiting. I'm sure I'm not always pleasant to be around, but Daisy and Maggie love me regardless. Thank you God for placing such wonderful people right across the street from me. They are one of the best gifts you have ever given me, and I thank You. Daisy and Maggie, I love you both. Thank you for loving me too.


Natalie said...

That was too sweet! That's gotta be wonderful to have such dear friends!

By the way, I knew you couldn't resist posting this weekend;)

Karen D. said...

That is soooo sweet! I can't wait to meet them (in just over 2 weeks)!

I knew that you couldn't resist posting either! I kept checking you blog yesterday! :-)

Love Ya!

Andrea said...

Lou, I know what you mean. We, too, have friends like that in our lives with young children. At our new church there is also a little boy named Hudson who is 10months old. At times I am unable to hold him, b/c it makes me emotional, but when I do---IT'S HEAVENLY!

Bekah said...

Praise the Lord for precious friends...that is too sweet that she wanted you to rock her to sleep!!! There is nothing more precious than a sleeping baby...oh, I want one in my arms right now! Praying AP home!

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean. One of my best friends has a little boy who is 2 weeks younger than Hudson. I love holding him...I say he's my therapy! :)


Anonymous said...

OK, I'm slow, and I think I was the last one to see this. =) You are so precious, and you made me cry again! You know we love you, and we'd do anything for you, Andrew and the boys. We will cry with you, be mad with you, and we just can't wait to rejoice with you when our sweet Anne Pearce finally puts her cute little feet on THIS street!! We are the lucky ones to have y'all!
Hang in there. We are praying, praying, praying, and I know HE is hearing every word.

olivia-anne said...

i love maggs! and you! and daisy!
check out my new blog! its super sweet! and now we can keep in touch! ilu lou lou!!!!!

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