Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Yes, She really IS that cute!

Hello everyone!

Anne Pearce is even cuter in person! She did not want to go to sleep last night-I think she was just so excited to see her "aunt" Karen! After finally going to sleep, she got a good night rest and seems to be feeling much better today. She coos, growls, babbles, blows bubbles and is just such a sweet little baby. I feel so blessed to be able to spend this time with her this week.

Lou is feeling much better today. Thank you all for your prayers-they are definitely working. Of course, continued prayers for both Lou and Anne Pearce will be greatly appreciated. They are better, but we want them totally well. Andrew just left for the airport & so we wish for safe travels for him, too. It is definitely an indescribable experience to have to leave your baby & travel 1/2 way around the world to your home. Andrew did quite well-I can't say that Friday will be so controlled!

OK-now for the fun stuff. Andrew changed his 1st dirty diaper (ever) yesterday! He is such a natural at being a daddy! AP just loves him. Last night, when she was fighting sleep...only mommy & daddy would do for her! (After only 4 1/2 hrs. of sleep the night before, I wasn't much good anyway.) Lou is just loving every moment. AP loves to watch her mommy & daddy.

We are still waiting for an update on the paperwork. Keep praying for a miracle in PGN. AP wants to get home to Logan & Hayden & watch the crazy dog run around the house!

We'll try to post some photos later. Adios! Karen


Anonymous said...

I am so glad you are feeling a little bit better. What is going on with the paper work? I went on my shopping spree at lunch. Boy it is hard to shop in an hour. I got the cutest outfit for KA for the fashion show on the 17th. The 'Duck Duck Goose' outfit. Don't worry, NO PANTS for AP. I did come close to capris. But I know you like dresses for her. It is so much fun buying for them both.
Take Care,

Unknown said...

I'm so glad you're both better. We are so missing you here, but I'm so glad you're with Anne Pearce for now. She's gorgeous to say the very least, and I can't WAIT until she's here in normal life with all of us. Your children here have been precious, and it was our blessing & pleasure to have them with us. I'm crying as I type. You're obviously a wonderful mother to have 2 such precious boys, and Anne Pearce is a lucky little girl to be part of your family.
Hurry home ALL of you!!

Anonymous said...

O.K. I have finally read all the blogs and gotten caught up on the action going down in Guatemala. Let me start by saying that Anne Pearce is beautiful and stop trying to tame that hair, I LOVE IT!!! She is sooo beautiful and I can't wait for her to meet Lucy, my chunk of love. I am glad to hear that all of you are feeling better today and I hope it continues. I know Karen is so excited to be there with you and get to hold that little angel. I see that the final countdown has begun. Yeah!! Hopefully time will fly and she'll be in your arms here shortly after Easter. What a glorious day that will be!! Much love to all of you.
Becca Walden

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