Tuesday, March 6, 2007

We were so sad to see our daddy go....

Look at me right after my bath! I love to splash in the water. I kick my feet, and my hair flows behind. It's quite a sight!
Me and Aunt Karen in the baby room at the Marriott.

Elvis has left the building.....

Can you see what my daddy is reading to me? It says "My Daddy Loves Me". He sure does.

Look how well we pretended to be right before Daddy left....

I love you, my daddy, and I'll be back with you soon! PS. Mommy misses you so much her tummy hurts. Thank goodness for Aunt Karen!

Last time we left Anne Pearce together. This time I had to send Andrew off all by himself. He did much better than I did. I know it was so difficult for him to leave us. This will be my last visit trip until pick-up. I just can't leave her again, and I have to admit that I am tired of this part time parenting. I am ready for our entire family to be under one roof in our own home. We parents who adopt from Guatemala are blessed to be able to visit our little darlings. This journey is filled with mixed emotions. I am thrilled to be here with her, but it feels surreal to be parenting in a hotel. I want to be in my house with my rocking chair and Anne Pearce's room. I want her daddy and her brothers to be able to kiss her goodnight. I am ready to be a normal family. Daisy told me today that God knows how much we can take. I pray that he sees how badly so many people need her home.


Natalie said...

I'm sure that was very hard to have your hubby leave. I'll be praying for you that you will enjoy the rest of your visit and when the time comes, you will be able to leave with peace knowing that you will be back VERY soon to pick her up!

Anonymous said...

Your feelimgs are completely natural and understandable. I went through the same thing with Olivia. I wanted out of the hotel so bad but not without her. Leaving is very difficult but keep your thoughts on that wonderful day when you will be home together forever! I will pray that you have peace through these emotional rollar coaster rides.
PS- AP is so stinkin' cute I can hardly stand it!

Anonymous said...

You must be feeling better....you're blogging again :-)

Right now you are sad both b/c of Andrew's departure and realizing that your visit with Anne Pearce is coming to an end. I know that is an incredible hurt!

But...as you have said many times, God IS in control and Anne Pearce WILL come home in His time. That inspires me to pray more fervently that she is out of PGN in one month. I know God's hand is right there with her paperwork and He is actually carrying it through that process.

I am praying today that you enjoy today, every second of it.


Philippians 4:6 "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God."

Bekah said...

The three of you look amazing together...can't wait to see pictures of the whole family together VERY soon!

Anonymous said...

I know that was hard. I am so sorry. Enjoy the rest of your time there with AP and Karen. I miss talking to you. Nothing going on here in boring Mobile. Cant wait to see new pics of AP. Hey, IM me.
Take Care,

Ginger--Maya's mommy said...

She is so adorable. I just got back from GC yesterday. I found out on 3/5 that we are OUT. I am glad that both of you are feeling better.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lou,

We made it here! It's 6:45 pm and we're in the baby room... Hopefully we'll see you soon. We are LOVING our baby boy! I'm going to put pictures on my blog now!

Praying for you as it has to be very difficult without your man by your side here!


Anonymous said...

I know it is tough thinking of leaving Anne Pearce, so don't. Only think about your time with her now and enjoy it. God will make sure she is home soon! Love you all. Aunt LeeLee

Unknown said...

Hey, I just wanted you to know that I know it was hard to see Andrew leave, but Wyatt & I saw him outside playing football with the boys this afternoon, and they seemed so happy to be with him again. Hayden was sad after we talked to you the other night, so it did them good to get to see Andrew back at home.
Please enjoy the rest of your time with Anne Pearce. I've never met her, and I miss her, and we miss you very, very much here, too!!!! Maggie may not let you out of her sight when you get back!!
Give that sweet face lots of kisses for me.
Love you! Daisy

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