Friday, March 16, 2007

Didn't mean to alarm the masses!

I have talked to three of my blogging buds, and for now I will stay public. I'm about to send you all an email explaining my reasons for the previous message. I will say that some people were using information from my blog for reasons other than they are intended. I WAS SO MAD. Email coming,


Nan and Dan said...

I am so sorry you are dealing with this on top of everything else! What are people thinking?????
Please keep it public, I love to compare our timelines!! We have been in 3 weeks now.
Good Luck!

Cameo said...

OH man, that really sucks when someone has to ruin it for other people. email me and keep me in the loop, please! Thanks!

Crystal said...

oooh honey I am so sorry you are dealing with this!--If you need anything--anything at all let me know

I have taken over my hubby's email!!! :o)

Thanks for the comment on my blog--you were cracking me up!!! I LOVE Ruby too but my hubby isn't liking it so much! :O(

I tried!!!

Please know I am praying for you!!! hugs hugs hugs!!!! xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

I am a friend of Roseann(Brody). I found your site bc of her site, and I love reading on how it is going. AP is soooo gorgeous and I hope you keep this public, so I can enjoy your journey. AP is very blessed to have you as a mother!! I am praying for your adoption along with Brody.

Your friend in Christ,
Ashley Adams

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