Friday, March 16, 2007

Don't have much to say today....

Hey, I can't make videos EVERYDAY! I'm praying constantly.....Let us out of PGN! I know we've only been in 2 weeks, but a girl can pray. Andrew has a very strong feeling that she will be out soon. I pray that he's right. A friend I met in Guatemala last week told me today that they just had someone get out in 3 weeks with no KO's!!! WHOO HOO! It does happen. My nesting has definitely kicked I in labor?????? I'll post some pics of AP's room after I finish it up this weekend. You gals (and occasional guys) have a great weekend!

On another note, I am thinking of changing the blog to private due to some unfortunate circumstances. I'll email you all what's going on, and you can help me decide.

Love to all,


Tricia said...

Hey girl, if you go private be sure to take me with you! :)

Hope you are okay!

Anonymous said...

What happened? I Imed you a few time today. You okay?

Tracy said...

If you go private....please include me:) I love to keep up. I hope everything is OK.

Don't send a lame Holiday eCard. Try JibJab Sendables!