Thursday, August 16, 2007

Time to reclaim my body

When Andrew and I met I was running at least 20 miles per week and going to the gym consistently. I was in the best shape of my life.....then came the snowball effect that was my health. I have told the story before of how sick I was, and how I got the pacemaker. Over the next 3 years I gained 20 pounds. I know I'm not fat, but I feel like I'm trapped in someone else's body. I also have a condition called dysautonomia that is thankfully under control with medication. Last year was very difficult for me with my health. I actually had to quit work in December to try to get well. It has taken since then, but the Lord is healing me. He is doing it slowly but surely, and I am thankful for every step He allows me to take. Being home from work and reducing that stress has been WONDERFUL for my condition. I feel almost normal. Two weeks ago I decided that I was changing my lifestyle. I'm not calling it a diet, because I am making healthy lifestyle changes. I have started exercising and am not eating any processed sugar or flour. I am eating fruit everyday, because I feel that God gave us fruit, and it's healthy. Yesterday marks one week since I implemented the changes in my diet, and I've been exercising for almost 3 weeks. I let myself weigh this morning, and I was terrified what it would say. I've been trying not to focus too much on the numbers and being healthy instead. I was THRILLED to see that I've lost 6 pounds! SIX POUNDS!!!!! That is great motivation to keep going, and it means that I am making changes to be healthy. It's hard to make myself go walk in this intense heat, but I am doing it. I take my cell phone most nights and talk to, she walks with me!!!!! It also feels nice to claim some small part of the day for myself. God gave us our bodies, and I feel that it's my responsibility to do what I can to keep it healthy. I feel so much better about myself knowing that I'm doing SOMETHING. Posting this will hold me accountable to all of you........if anyone wants to do this with me, hop on! We can help each other!

Now the question I know you are dying to ask.....What about the sweet tea???? I haven't had ANY sugar! I am drinking decaffeinated tea with Splenda and am lovin' it! I also haven't had ANY carbonation for 3 weeks. I can tell a huge difference already! I told Nat that when she comes I will let myself have some Mississippi Mud, but for now NO SUGAR! To tell the truth I'm really not missing it....The first day or so was harder but I was motivated! Just wanted to share what was going on with me...........I'll keep you posted here and there about my progress. For now, AP is napping, and I'm going to eat a salad!


Natalie said...

You know how proud I am of you. And thank you so much for motivating me to get off my butt and exercise! Now if I can just stop drinking this Diet Coke...I think I'd feel MUCH better. If you challenge me...I think I can do it :) I just need someone to push me! I love you!

Unknown said...

Love this post!! I love people that are motivating to me. I love to learn from others and get challenged. I would love to know more about what you are eating and not eating. Are you staying away from all processed foods? I am kicking the soda thing as we speak. How far are you walking? I would love all the details. You will never bore me with this. Details, Details, please. Ashley

Becky Scott said...

Congratulations Lou! Seems like a lot of us are on this getting healthy kick. I started Weight Watchers last week and also gave up carbonated beverages. ;) I've lost 7 pounds so far and am looking forward to losing many more. I'm doing it more for my kids than anything else. I want to be around and be healthy as they are getting older.

Sweet To Our Seoul said...

Way to go Lou, and thanks for the motivation!! I was doing so well back in the spring working out and eating healthier. I had lost 14 pounds in 3 months and was feeling great. Then after my miscarriage, I have already put half of that weight back on. I have been trying to motivate myself but so far no luck. Hearing about someone else doing it though, and how great it makes you feel, makes me want to do it too!! So thank you for posting! You are an encouragement.

Gail said...

Congratulations!! That is so great! I too am trying (somewhat) to cut back and lose some weight. I don't want my daughter to come home to a fat unhealthy mother.
Keep up the good work.

Kristi said...

Good job Lou - - with 106 degrees today in North Alabama, I don't foresee walking until NOVEMBER!!! I really really need to do the same!! Keep up the good work!! Love ya! Bama

Doripink said...

Lou... you are an inspiration!!! My weight has been such a yo-yo for years now. When I got married 8 years ago I was 141 I'm 190 (I can't believe I am publishing that, but hey you're all my friends) LOL! I have been DYIN' to loose some weight and would LOVE to join you.
Thanks for the encouragement!

Tam said...

Great job! I really need to get motivated to exercise, but I can't even manage to finish painting my darn dining room! Gah!

Andrea said...

You go girl!!

Bekah said...

way to go girl. keep up the good work. i just got back into walking and it does feel so good.

Ginger--Maya's mommy said...

Congrats!!! Way to go!!!

Ruthanne said...

Go, Lou, Go!!
For most of the year, I follow a pretty strict 'no sugar, no white flour' way of eating also. When you have a sugar cheese. It helps.
And, pleeeeaasseee be careful of the Splenda. Those artificial sweeteners are so bad for us. Have you tried Stevia? It's sweeter than Splenda and made from fiber--it's GOOD for you!!
Keep walking, girl!!

Katie said...

Good Job !!! :)

burpittyburp said...

Way to go!!!! Keep up the great work! Sounds like you are dedicated/motivated and that is what really helps:) I need to start up with something, exercise and eating more healthy.

It's Me....Dea said...

Hey, Lou Lou....I started walking too. Not quite the regimen that Stacey had me on…gosh was that a year ago, now? Well, anyway, we’ll have to work up to meeting in the middle. Hey, it could happen. What would that be....3 or 4 miles? I gave up the sweet in sweet tea for Splenda a while back, but giving up yummy treats may never happen…you know how I LOVE Fairhope Floats and my cappuccino!
Thanks again for the stroller recommendation. I really do love it.

Anonymous said...

You've inspired me! I just sat here complaining about how I've let my weight get out of control, again. I don't want Olivia to think my lifestyle is healthy...thanks for lighting a fire!

Angel said...

YAY FOR YOU!!! You know I am on board honey! I think that is awesome.

Totally still recommend The Maker's Diet. I don't take any of the supplements but eat the foods. It's just my lifestyle now and I feel 10 years younger than I did 6 months ago. :0)

HUGS! Angel

Steve & Amy said...

Way to go Lou!!! I'm on board too!!! I just want to get in shape...I feel like a couch potato!! I want to be able to run with the kids without being out of breath. Let me know what I can do to help!!

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