Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Thank you all for all the support.....Edited

She cried all night.....all night long she cried.....she cried for hours with cat naps inbetween. BUT, she cried in HER room in HER crib. She woke up happy as a lark at 6:00......she had just gone to sleep at 5:00. Surely, exhaustion will catch up with her sometime!

You guys really help me more than you know. I am sitting here listening to my baby sob and sob, BUT I KNOW this really is for her own good. No hate mail please.....This has nothing to do with an adopted baby fearing her mommy will leave her. This is about setting the tone for sleep behaviors for the rest of her life. Andrew went and bought us a video monitor, so we can watch her to make sure she's not hurt or sick. All I've seen so far is a baby mad, because she isn't getting her way.... I want to thank all of you who have called and emailed offering support. Nat, as always, you are my rock. Daisy, you are just a part of our family. PERIOD. Julia, you talked me off a cliff today, and I love you. Rose, you let me know that what I'm doing is OK, and I love you for it. If I've left anyone out I apoligize.....I am working with a sleep deprived brain here. OH MY GOODNESS! DO YOU KNOW WHAT I HEAR????ABSOLUTLEY NOTHING!!!! SHE'S ASLEEP!!!!! For now we can rejoice!


Anonymous said...

I have followed you blog for quite some time. You both need sleep, in order to function. You are not a bad mother for allowing her to cry it out. The hate mail you recieve is uncalled for.


Ruthanne said...

Lou---feel NO guilt about being upset about this when some of us don't have our babies home yet. Issues are matter what they are. You waited a long time for Anne Pearce to come knew it wouldn't be perfect and you should feel free to talk about any problems you're having now that she's there. It helps the rest of us to know we're not alone and to know what to expect.
I hope Anne Pearce gets some good sleep tonight so you can too.

Rose said...

Hope everything goes a little bit better tonight! praying for some sleep tonight. The baby monitor should help with your fears..that was a good idea. Just remember it might take a couple of nights for her to realize that its sleepy time for mommy and AP! Best of luck! Hugs! Rose

Angel said...

OH SWEET LADY! That is so horrible. I am sorry you are dealing with so many sleep issues. That is really torture. :0( I KNOW you adore that pumpkin and are doing everything you can to help her. You don't worry. I know you will figure out what works for you. It doesn't matter what anyone thinks. You just trust your gut. You know her better than any of us. Your blogger buddies are here backing you up. :0)Hugs, Angel

Angel said...

PS I had to limit Kaitlyn's naps when she was little... She is a night owl like me! :0) She prefers sleeping during the day when given the option. Angel

Natalie said...

I love ya girl! You are an absolutely amazing mother...I have learned SO much from you. And you did fabulous tonight!!! I'm just so proud of you. I know how much you love that baby and you are wanting so badly to do the right thing. Well, you ARE doing the right thing. In fact, whatever you decide to do and whatever helps her learn to sleep and helps you GET some the right thing! We're praying that tonight is the beginning of MANY restful nights.

Crystal said...

Lou, Lou!!!--I am so sorry--I have been away from blogging for a couple of days and I am catching up--oooh honey my heart just goes out to you I just want to give you a huge huge huge hug!!!!! And then I want to come watch Anne Pearce so you can sleep!!! I am so soooo sorry you are going thru all of this---I know how hard it is to function with no sleep---and it doesn't sound like you can nap-------please know that I am here for you-----I am going to lay this before our Lord and Savior Jesus ----he knows your health and just being a mom you have to sleep!!! Please keep us updated----------hopefully it is just going to get better and better everyday!!!!!! --and thanking for trusting us all to tell us what is going on please please know will always have my support and a ton of hugs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Julie P said...

Lou - as moms we make really tough decisions every day. Our decisions are personal, by that I mean we all need to do what is best for us as individuals and as mothers. Good for you for having the courage to do what you think is best, even though it is difficult. I'm praying AP slept thru the night and you all wake up rested.

Anonymous said...

If you get any hate mail, just forward it to me. =)
You are a wonderful, wonderful, fabulous Mommy to ALL your kids, and you truly only want what is best for your whole family. There is ABSOLUTELY nothing (I repeat nothing) wrong with that. You are the Mommy, and Mommies have to be in charge, so just hang in there, and AP will be sleeping soon. We were glad for the boys to be here last night, and they can come back whenever they need to. If you and Andrew want to take turns over here, you can! I think that smile for you this morning was proof that she's just gotta' work through this.
I can't wait until we can just go eat at Mary Ann's and laugh about all the crazy stuff Motherhood brings our way.
Love you bunches and praying for you even harder today!

Nan and Dan said...

It will get better, is has to, right??
It is so easy to second guess yourself, go with your heart and your head. We are all here to help in any way you can. Sleep issues are the hardest to deal with by far.
I hope things better soon!

Kristin said...

Oh, Lou, I am so happy for you! I know this is going to be us in a few weeks....thanks for sharing openly about the experience. I have always told Greg that waiting on the adoption is hard, BUT parenting WILL be harder!! :)


Gail said...

Of course what you are doing is right. You love this baby and know what is best for her (and you) for now and in the future. Keep doing what you have to do. I do hope that you can get some good sleep soon.
Praying for you and AP,

Cameo said...

Oh Lou Lou, I'm so sorry you are going through this!!! Do WHATEVER you feel is right as you are a GREAT mom, with great instincts and that is the best advice this non-mom can give you! That and I love you!!!!

Alleen said...

Your health is important too. If mommy isn't well, baby won't be either. I hope and pray things improve.

JuJu - said...

I am so glad that you are OK this morning -

You are a good Mom and also a good WIFE - I think too many adoptive Moms get their babies home and push their hubbies to the back burner - I think the best gift a Mother can give her child is to be a good wife also:)

I can hear the hate mail coming after that comment:)

Like I care!hahahaha!


Tara said...

Oh do I feel your pain, sister! Last night was a good one but as soon as I throw that out there I am JINXED! Hugs to you!!!

Kerry said...

Girl, I'm so proud of you. NOT easy to do what you're doing, but I know this is the best thing for all of you. AP needs this. She may still be a sweet little booger with no sleep, but she needs sleep to stay healthy.

I just KNEW Julia would call you after that post. I knew she wouldn't let you do that to yourself.

Oh, and I'm going to go send her some hate mail right now ;-).

Love you and praying for you!

Kim said...

Still praying for you!! I wish I could do something more - but all I can do from Kentucky is pray for you and support you. Just remember to go with your mommy matter what you read...or whatever anyone else says. You are the mommy - you will know what to do - and you will know when something needs to be changed.

I hope tonight is a better night!!

Anonymous said...

Isn't being a mom the absolute hardest job on earth???? I think we all struggle with wanting to do what's right for our kids and trying to determine what that "right" thing is. One of the greatest things is being able to travel this road with other moms! So glad that you have a wonderful support system to lift you up.

Praying for sleep and peace for you and your family.

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking of will get a little better each night. I promise that you will look back on this and be grateful you did it at this age. More sleep to come soon.

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