Wednesday, August 22, 2007

I spoke too soon.....

The story of my life it seems.......AP was up ALL NIGHT LONG last night. Yes, I said all night...Well, if you count from before midnight until around 4:40 am...... She wasn't crying....just talking and cooing and laughing and wanting to play....I was so tired I was literally nauseated and gagging. I had to give her to Andrew, so I could go throw up. Sorry if that's too graphic......My health is going a little more downhill everyday with no sleep. I have been having horrible chest pains and just feel horrible. I know this is just a pity me post and that there are so many people who just wish their babies were home, so I feel guilty saying anything. But, this is my blog, and this is what's going on in my life. Andrew worked from home today, because he knew I was about to go over the edge.....I got to sleep until lunch time. I will continue to pray everynight that this girl will figure out HOW to sleep.....


Unknown said...

Sorry that AP is not sleeping. You need to take care of your health too! I'm glad Andrew took off today to give you some rest.

On another note, go AP with the crawling! So cute.

Karen D. said...

I am sooo sorry that you are going through this! Please know that you are in my prayers! Call me if you need anything.

Karen and Abbie

Anonymous said...

Hey Lou - just checked in on your blog. It has been a while. Sorry you are having sleep issues. My little girl had the same sleeping issues every time she had teeth coming in. Maybe try a little infants motrin right before you put her to bed. But all kids are different so good luck figuring yours out. AP is absolutely beautiful.
Love - Michelle Wilson

Mrs. Hany said...

Hey Lou - it's Kirsten (Jami and Hudsons friend), my daughter NEVER EVER EVER slept and I was going out of my mind. I tried letting her cry it out (she cried for a 5 hours a night for a week straight - I cried right along with her). At 9 months I started going crazy and read the best book I have ever read besides the Bible - It's called healthy sleep habits Hapy Baby (seriously changed our lives!) also the No Cry Sleep Solution is a good book to couple with that. I am praying for you, and if you have any questions about those books just click on my blog and email me!!!

Anonymous said...

Our son came home about the same time and same age as AP and we had sleep issues similar to your problems last night. The pediatrician recommended that we limit his naps and it has really helped. He is now allowed one nap of 1 1/2 hours per day and he sleeps much better at night. Also, we had to make the room really dark. He was waking with the sun. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

I have a can email me at

I am 90% sure it will help her, the other 10% I will leave it up to AP...hehe

Take Care!

Mama Bunny said...

Dear Lou,

I'm wondering a few things. This has been going on since you came home from Guatemala, right?

1) Have you put her in the crib during the day with a few toys to get her used to being in there?

2) Is there something in the room that is possibly scaring her?

3) Did she co-sleep with you in Guatemala?

4) Do you have a night light on for her?

5) Is she cutting teeth? Ear infection? Anything that may be causing her pain?

6) Do you have a daily routine going on?

7) What advice does your pediatrician have?

I'm brain storming. There has got to be something that gets her this upset - your house needs some rest. I'll keep thinking and get back to you if I come up with anything else...

OH wait. Do you know if she has any heartburn issues? That can cause A LOT of pain.

Gail said...

Oh poor Lou. You can get pity on your blog anytime you want. I don't have my baby home and I don't mind at all. I need to see what might be ahead for me. I'll start praying for good nights now.
Get to feeling better.

Anonymous said...

I will pray with's a tough road you're on...

Bekah said...

Lord, we pray your peace and rest over this house! Give Lou and Andrew wisdom on what AP needs to help her sleep through the night. Calm AP's little heart at night and give her sweet, sweet dreams.

I cannot function on horrible sleep. Benjamin was a HORRIBLE sleeper for 9 months and there were times I would just stand there and bawl in his room trying to get him back to sleep.

A little Infant Motrin before bed never hurts. I still use that trick sometimes. :)

Alleen said...

Oh Lou. I'm so sorry you're going through this. I don't have any advice, just prayers being said that the situation improves.

Melissa said...


I am sorry you are having these difficult sleep issues. I don't really have any answers. I do know that you need to guard your own health and make sure you get the rest you need. I will be praying for wisdom and peace for you and Andrew. I will pray for comfort and security for AP so that she can rest contentedly at night. God bless!

Kim said...

I'm so sorry you are dealing with this. My brother (we are both bio kids of my parents) was a no sleeper. My mom said he had his days and nights totally switched up. He would want to play and party all night (but he also didn't nap much during the day). My mom said she didn't know how she kept her sanity during that time.

I just tell you that to let you know that this isn't just an adopted kid thing.

I wish I lived closer to you - I could come over and watch AP while you got caught up on your sleep. Is there someone that could come over a couple days a week during the day to help you? A college student in your area that could use a few extra dollars? Until AP decides that night time is sleep time, it might help.

Anonymous said...

Girl, you know you are always in my prayers, and our doors are ALWAYS open if you just need to cry or bring AP over. You know we'd love on her and play with her so you could get some rest. I know it's hard to do that, though. There are so many possible solutions, and I know that God will lead you to the right one. He gave you this precious child, and He will not leave you or ever forsake you. Know that He is with you during this tough time and He'll get you through it. James says that when we lack knowledge, we just have to ask God and He WILL give it generously without reproach. He also even calls us by name, "Come to me ALL you who are WEARY and HEAVY LAIDEN". That's your name right now isn't it??? =) I love you guys, and I love how much you love your daughter. Sweet dreams tonight!
lovealee, Daisy

Steve & Amy said...

Oh Lou....we are saying LOTS & LOTS of prayers that AP learns to sleep. If it comforts you at all I think there was something in the air last night because Mia was up from 12-3:30 and she just wanted to play. We have good success taking her for car rides to get her to sleep. Praying that you get some shut eye!!!

Nan and Dan said...

I am so sorry it has been so hard. Just got to take it one day at a time. She will get it.
You need to take care of yourself!
Praying for you and AP.

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