Wednesday, August 8, 2007


After so much hard work on her mommy's part, Maya FINALLY got her pink slip today. Maya originally got out of PGN back in MARCH, and Ginger has been fighting NON-STOP since then to bring her daughter home. I should point out now that our OWN government dealt with her OH SO RUDELY! I have told Ginger that God sent her to Maya, because HE knew that she would fight for her and NEVER GIVE UP!!!! Isn't that part of the job description for a MAMA??? Ginger, I am so happy for both of you. YOU ROCK!!!!! Just let me know when you are flying into that airport, and AP and I will be there ready to celebrate!!!! LOVE YOU!


Ginger--Maya's mommy said...

Thanks!!! I am going to try and get my appt. move up. I should know more tomorrow.

The Cook said...

no my blog is public now.

Angel said...

OH YAY! That is so AWESOME! CONGRATS! :0) Angel

Ruthanne said...

Congratulations Ginger and Maya!!!

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