Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Amanda and Bella need a Miracle, and they need us to ask for it! Note from Amanda added.

WOW! Words cannot express what your prayers and encouragement within the past 24 hours means to my family. We are humbled and amazed. I have not had the privilege to "know" many of you and yet I feel so loved. Our family is having a rough time during this part of the process. I am not at liberty to go into detail, but I will at a later time. Our situation is complicated and until yesterday, we were feeling it to be impossible. Thanks to your reminders of how BIG our God is, we no longer feel that way. I have experienced a peace like no other today and I actually slept the whole night through last night! I feel renewed and ready to begin fighting again.

We still have no news, but are confident that He is in control of our situation and is working everything out, down to the smallest detail, to bring her home to us SOON! We serve a big God that does BIG things. I had become so weary from the fight that I was starting to doubt that. You all rallied and reminded me. I am looking forward in great anticipation, that real soon, I will get word that it is done and we will have an end in sight. Please continue to pray-- our situation warrants it. I am not trying to be cryptic. I just cannot go into detail. Blogland is a God-send and my family will be forever grateful!


I talked to Amanda at length this afternoon. We can't go into details, but Amanda is literally at the end of her rope. For those of you who don't know Amanda, let me tell you, this lady is full of the Lord's love. God knew that she had it in her to fight the fight for Bella. She has fought non-stop, but she has grown weary. Amanda needs all of us to fight for her now. I am challenging EVERYONE WHO READS THIS POST to take a moment and pray SPECIFICALLY for Bella's case. Leave a comment to let her know that you are praying and being prayer warriors for her (she will be checking this).Let's pray that God places His very own hand on Bella and that He allows nothing or no one to prolong this case any longer. I prayed this prayer on the phone with Amanda, and I got chill bumps all over my body. I KNOW GOD HEARD! I also know that some of you are the greatest prayer warriors I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. Together we can pray this girl home! My pastor sent this to our congregation today. He's started doing these wonderful daily devotionals that mean so much to me. As soon as I read this one I thought of Amanda and all the waiting parents out there. I pray that this ministers to you all the way it ministered to Amanda and me

Because He loved me
Psalms 91:14

We always want God to rescue us from our problems and difficulties. Sometimes He does. Sometimes God, for His own reasons, does not save us from difficulty. Sometimes he rescues us when we least expect it.
Psalm 91:14-16
“Because he loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him;
I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.
He will call upon me, and I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble,
I will deliver him and honor him.
With long life will I satisfy him
And show him my salvation.”

I believe those lines in Psalms. I love God with all my heart. However, sometimes I wonder where is the rescue?

Eleven years ago I was running up the hill on Spanish Main and felt heaviness in my chest. I spent several days in the hospital having tests. I learned that I had a heart defect and had to have surgery to correct it. Before the surgery ever took place, I believed God said to me that He would heal me completely.

I woke up from my surgery to discover, in point of fact, they had operated twice. The first one had failed and was succeeded by a more serious surgery with additional complications including a stroke. I wondered when God would heal me.

Several years passed and I was taking nine medications, including daily nitroglycerin. The church was in the worst crisis of its history. Again I asked God when I would be healed.

Healing came for me in a surprising way and at a surprising time. One of the former ministers and I had gone to visit Leon Allen at his service station. Leon asked me, unexpectedly, as I walked across the pavement toward my car, “Do you believe God is going to heal you?” The moment lives forever in my heart. I looked in Leon ’s eyes and said, “Yes, Leon , I believe God is going to heal me.” My healing didn’t come in a moment. In the next six weeks I felt my heart recover to its previous strength. My wife and I went back to the doctor for a checkup. We both were overcome with joy when Dr. Massey said, “I cannot understand what happened to you, but your heart is completely healed.”

God chose to heal me in His time. I was at the lowest point in my professional life. I believe God healed me then because that was the time when I really needed a miracle.

Dear God, heal me and help me to understand your rescue will come in your time. Amen.


Natalie said...

I'm praying for God to rescue them. I know that Amanda is very faithful and she will be rewarded. We will ALL pray that Bella's case will no longer be prolonged and they can get that sweet baby home soon.

Anonymous said...

I prayed for you and Bella this evening. I'll pass this prayer request on to my school in prayer meeting tomorrow morning. Just know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your beautiful daughter.

Kristi said...

Amanda - The waiting and uncertainty is so hard! You know God is in control but it's just so hard when there is no rhyme or reason to some of the questions! I am praying that Bella will be released to your loving arms FOREVER!! May God bless you!

Love - BamaGirl

Ruthanne said...

Amanda---I am praying that Bella is home with you soon and that you will find renewed strength to continue this fight.

Nan and Dan said...

Amanda - praying for you right now, that your case is moved along quickly and you get bella home with you very soon!
keep the faith, it will happen.

Anonymous said...

We prayed for you tonight in our home...God will work his miracle...Carolyn and Olivia

Rose said...

We are just sitting down to dinner. we will say a prayer for you and your family that the lord will renew your strength. Roseann

Andrea said...

Already prayed for her today! Amanda, all I can say to comfort you right now is that I am praying for you. We are ALL here for you and we love you!

Kim said...

Dear Lord - You know Amanda's heart - you know her hurting - and you know her weary. Please wrap her in your arms and carry her. She needs your strength. We know that you are bigger than anything process in Guatemala - we know that you can do anything. We have witnessed this many times over the past couple of months. We ask for one more miracle - that you move all obstacles to bringing Bella home. Continue to watch over Bella and prepare her heart for her new home.

We ask all of this in the name of Your Son, our Lord, Jesus Christ

Kerry said...

Heavenly Father, I know you hear us. I know you hear me. I asked you to lay a blanket of peace, that only you can weave, over Dawn this past week, and you did that. I know it was you. Lord, there are people in power in Guatemala who are working against your will. I am asking for your holy intervention tonight. I am asking for a miracle. Please, please, Lord, whatever is in the way of completing Bella's adoption, take it away. Clear the path for Bella to come home, and let Amanda feel your loving arms around her tonight. It is in Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

Anonymous said...

God is SO amazing! He will see you through this time. I pray for a speedy process for Bella & that she is in your loving arms soon. I pray for God to give you peace through this process. God bless! Karen

Anonymous said...

amanda- you have the strength to endure, of this we are certain. the difficulty of being a parent, a good parent, is about standing by your children. no exceptions. it is a lifelong committment and we know that you are already committed to your bella. whatever you may be up against right know will soon be a bump in the road of your memory... especially when puberty hits her!!! :) think far ahead, very far ahead, and look deep, deep within yourself and find the strength, one day at a time, to do what you must do. we are all routing and praying for you!
-another guatemama waiting on her own "bella" (now 2 years old)

Michelle Smiles said...

I will definitely keep her in my thoughts. This process is so hard - having others cheering you on definitely helps.

Whitney said...

Please bring Bella home! Open doors and give her grace in the hands of Guat. government officials. Be glorified in her homecoming and her life!

Anonymous said...


I do not know the circumstances of your delays but as an adoptive mom of a baby girl from Guatemala, I know the pain of waiting and the unknown. I am praying for God's mercy on you and Bella and that she will be home forever VERY soon!!!

In Him,

Hunter said...

My prayers are with you and Bella Amanda.....I know that He will provide the comfort and peace we all need to get through this journey.

Courtney said...

Amanda, I pray for you. I will be thinking of you. Just know you are in our thoughts. Courtney

Steve & Amy said...

Amanda & Bella will be in our thoughts and prayers. We ask for God's grace and mercy that this family be together forever. We ask for strength in this stressful time. Our God is an awesome God and he WILL answer our prayers.

Ginger--Maya's mommy said...

Praying!!! I am proof that God does work miracles in adoption.

The Cook said...

amanda, you are in my prayers tonight.

Melissa said...

Lou, thank you for sharing that great devotional.

Amanda, I am praying for you and your family. I am praying that God will grant you peace and strength for each day until Bella is home. I am praying that God will allow Bella to come home very soon.

Anonymous said...

Heavenly Father- We thank you first, that even in the most difficult circumstances, you are drawing us nearer to you Lord. You want our hearts, so Lord, I pray that Amanda would feel your tender hand of mercy, peace and love surrounding her, and that her heart would be yours. You do strengthen us in our weakness, so we boldly come before you and ask for strength for Amanda. Keep your hands of protection on Bella and her case. We pray against the enemy and any influence he may be having on this case, and pray for You and your goodness to prevail. In faith, and in the name of your precius Son, we pray that the case would be resolved quickly, and that Bella would be able to come home very soon.
In your name we pray~ amen.

SBH said...

Amanda, I know the pain of the "waiting game" and the pointless delays... It just doesn't make any sense when all you want is to bring your baby home. My thought and prayers are with you & your family in hopes that you will have Bella home with you soon.

Andrea said...

Dear Heavenly Father-I ask for Your peace to fill Amanda tonight. She is hurting, and needs You more than she ever has before. She has been so faithful to you, and I know even though she's hurting, she will continue to praise You. Lord, please work a miracle as only You can, and bring Bella home. We all praise Your holy Name and humble ourselves at Your feet. Please wrap Your arms around Amanda and her family and let them feel your love more than ever. We pray in your Holy Name.

Emily said...

You and Bella are in my prayers Amanda.

Anonymous said...

Waiting is so hard, but it sure gets our attention. The Heavenly Father loves Bella even more than you do and He has a wonderful plan for her life. He is in control and His timing is perfect. I pray that you can rest in Him and His love and comfort tonight...I pray Bella gets home soon..Cindy

Doripink said...

Dear Lord,
I pray today that you heal the hearts of those who are stopping Bella from coming home. Show them your love and mercy. Let them feel your kindness and send Bella home. Help Amanda stand a little longer, help her stay strong a little while longer and let her know today how much she and Bella are loved be You! I know that nothing is beyind your grace and love, please help bring Bella home. I ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen.

Hugs & Many Prayers-

Sweet To Our Seoul said...

Praying for sweet Bella and Amanda!!

Dear Lord, lay your hand on them, bless them, protect them, and bring them home.


Madelyn's Mommy said...

I am praying for you and your family. I pray that Bella will be home soon and that God will give you the peace to know that it will happen.

I loved that devotion! Thanks for posting it!


Anonymous said...

I am fighting back the tears reading all of these prayers! I have layed my hands on the screen of the pictures of you and your baby and lifted you both up in prayer. There are so many prayers going up!! Now it is time for you to rest in Jesus' arms while we do the work. Ashley

The Frugal Countess said...

Amanda, you have been so faithful throughout this process. You struggle with what contines to be heaped on you - but you always eventually give it to God. I know He is going to do a miracle for you. And I'm praying that you don't continue to get caught in all this mess. You know I love you and Jeff - I'm truly believing for a miracle. xoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxoxo

Unknown said...

Amanda, Our prayers our with you and your precious baby girl. You are a fighter and a survivor, and God is right there with you. He will carry through this, as only He can. Trust in his ways, and lean not on your own understanding. I know it is easier said than done-- God Bless You!

Anonymous said...

I do not know any of you. I do not even really know how I stumbled upon Lou's blog. I have just been 'spying' for about 5 months until I read this. I have never adopted a child so I have NO idea what the pain is like. I do know we all have one thing in common and that is our Lord. When I read this about Amanda & Bella, I immediately thought about a song that got my husband & me through some tough times.

"Hold to on to what you know is right, Hold on to what you know is right. Weeping may endure for the night but joy comes in the morning light. Hold on a little while longer, Hold on until your faith gets stronger, Hold on to what you know is right. "

Amanda, please know that you are in my prayers. Just hold on to Jesus! Cry out to Him, he understands the tears. He is Strong when we are weak. If he cares for the little sparrow just imagine how much more He cares about you & Bella.

God Bless,

Anonymous said...

You and Bella are in my thoughts and prayers. This is no doubt a very difficult time and I am praying for a miracle for you. You were brought to this child for a reason. Keep holding on... lean on your faith. God will continue to give you strength, I really believe that. Bella was chosen to be your child - hold on, your miracle will come.

Gail said...

I am praying strength and peace for you and for the system to let Bella out so you both can come home.

Anonymous said...

Praying for Bella's case to be resolved so that she may come home to her family. Praying for strength and peace for Bella's Mommy. I cannot even begin to imagine what this must be like. Amanda, you are so brave and strong to endure this journey. Many blessings to you and your family.

Anonymous said...
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Mandy said...

I am a lurker, but will be sending up all my prayers to the Lord for Amanda and Bella tonight.

Tara said...

Amanda, I am wishing that your wait to bring your little Bella home is over soon. Prayers and hugs to you!

Shelly said...


I woke up last night at 2 a.m. and couldn't sleep. You came across my mind and I prayed for you. I pray God protects your paperwork. I pray all those involved work quickly and efficiently so you can bring your little girl home. I also pray God gives you comfort and strength. Oh, how wonderful the day will be when you have your little one in your arms forever!

Shelly (son, Drew placed in our arms forever on June 3, 2007 in Guatemala.)

Jill said...

Amanda -

PRAYERS PRAYERS PRAYERS to you and your family. Jill

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