Thursday, August 30, 2007

I think God is trying to tell me something.....

Many things happened to me yesterday and last night. Natalie and I have been praying about all of this NON- STOP, and we both felt like I was supposed to share this with you all.

Last night I returned to my Wednesday night church group. Anne Pearce did great at supper, and I felt like I was back home in my Christ Care group. My heart felt so filled, and my spirit was nourished. Hayden also loved being back in his group. He really came home so happy. Out of the blue he said, "Mama, I think we need to start on our baby sister. AP needs a sister, and I don't want them to be too far apart in age." I kind of blew him off with .......we're not ready for that's just not time. When I was talking to Nat later I received an email that may change our lives. There is a possible baby or child that God may be wanting to send to our family. My first thought was overwhelming. I have been crying and praying non-stop. I can't explain the emotions I am dealing with. I feel just like I felt when God was telling me to start AP's adoption. The sad part of this story is that we don't have the money to do it. PERIOD. It makes me so sad that those of us who want to open our homes and families to a motherless and fatherless child can't do it because of MONEY! MONEY! MONEY! I think sometimes we forget that these children we're adopting are ORPHANS. They have NO ONE. Yes, they are being taken care of by foster moms or hogars, BUT THESE ARE NOT FAMILIES. These people care for the children, but this is their job. It's not a family. I look at AP, Bella, and all our babies who were ORPHANS until God sent them to a family. Can you imagine where they would be if we didn't adopt them????? HOMELESS, PARENTLESS, ABUSED, HUNGRY, LONELY........DESPERATE. It makes me cry just to type those words. Now, I am faced with this possiblity.... Can I turn away from a CHILD??? A CHILD????? A CHILD WHO NEEDS US??? I can't. I have NO idea where we will get the money. I have no idea how this will work. I do know that God has been speaking to me non-stop since I received that email. Will you please pray for us? Will you please pray that God will show us a way to find money to do this? PLEASE know that I am NOT asking anyone for money. I do trust that God will show a way to have His will done. It just seems overwhelming now...... I am just sobbing. I KNOW this is something we are supposed to do. Please Lord, show us the way. Show us how this overwhelming mountain of money can be attainable.....

Last night I had a dream. Andrew and I had this TINY baby. I mean tiny. People kept trying to take her from us. So many people kept trying to take her from me. People I know and love. Is this symbolic of people thinking we are crazy and trying to discourage us from going forward with this???? All I know is in the dream Andrew and I kept saying, "you can't have her....she's our child. She's our child. She's our child." Is this little person in Guatemala our child? I pray that God will tell us soon........

love to you all.....


Michelle Smiles said...

It breaks my heart that money is the reason so many of us can't adopt again right now. I know I would be paperchasing my heart out if I thought there was even a chance we could work out the financial piece.

I think it is fabulous that you have the faith to proceed and believe that God will show you a way to make it happen. Good luck to your family!

JuJu - said...

I am praying - call me..

Doripink said...

Dear Lou,
I know exactly how you feel. About 5 months after Annalise was home God blessed us with the opportunity to adopt again. Dave and I prayed and prayed about it but there was no way to afford it. We turned down that little baby. It broke my heart. I was so sad for so long. Then one day a few months later I happen to be talking to my adoption agency and found out that little baby was adopted by another family and is doing great. When I went home I realized it was not Gods plan for me to adopt that baby. He meant for that child to be someone elses. That child brought to that mommy the same love and happiness brought to me. I will pray very heard for you that God will help guide you and help you. If it is meant to be, God will always provide.
You are in my prayers-

Gail said...

I will pray that God will give you peace in making a decision and that if another adoption is to be, God will find the money.

Bekah said...

Lou--I will be praying for the Lord to make his will very clear. I know it sounds crazy but money can't even be a consideration if you feel in your spirit that this is your child. (which I know you know) When Drew and I felt called 15 months ago to adopt, we had $500 in savings, we don't own a home, we don't have rich families, and the adoption costs as much as my husband makes in an entire year. When we thought about the money aspect we knew it was impossible to complete an adoption. But we also know that $30,000 is a drop in the bucket to our Lord and He will make a way and it will bring Him much glory to do so. Sorry to ramble but I know exactly how you are feeling. The day after we decided to adopt friends of ours from way back called us after having not been in touch for over a year and said they felt like the Lord was asking them to give us $5000. Talk about confirmation. I just wept. But I found it interesting that they didn't call before we made the decision. We had to move forward in faith first before the Lord moved their hearts. Praying for you. I'll shut up now!:)

Karen D. said...

I am praying and I am here if you need me! Just a phone call away...

Love and prayers,
Karen and Abbie

Cameo said...

Oh my Lou Lou, my heart breaks that you are in such turmoil. But, through God, ALL things are possible!!! One of my favorite scriptures is "The Lord will fulfill His purpose for you". It's actually on a cross that Norm gave to me and I look at several times a day. I believe you, with God's help, will make the right decision. Email me! And I already prayed for you and will continue to do so, as will mom. Love you!

Kim said...

I will be praying for you and your family. What an amazing thing to have placed on your heart. I'll be praying for wisdom!!

Unknown said...

Lou--I am praying that this works out in whichever way it is meant to.

Becky Scott said...

Praying for you in hopes that God will point you in the right directions. ((Hugs))

Andrea said...

I'm thinking of you, Lou! How overwhelming this must be. I pray that the Lord leads you in the direction you should go. If it's His will for you to adopt again, the money will be there.

Anonymous said...

I wish you nothing but the best of luck in your new journey. I feel in my heart of hearts you will be able to conquer your goal - which I feel is somehow one way or another bringing that baby home.

Anonymous said...

Prayers are with you!

Kristi said...

WOW! I am praying! I know the money struggle aspect of a 2nd adoption so close the first. Funny thing is, looks like my kids will be home FOREVER at about the exact same time...2 years apart! Please pray us into PGN! Much love - Bama!

Hunter said...

will keep you in our prayers!


Lori and Robby said...

Wow, this is so exciting! I know God will take care of all the money issues if this is what He wants you to do. Remember my $2000 cash that arrived in the mail one afternoon!? It was all God!

Robby and I sponsored a 5K race last year that was fairly easy to pull together and we raised lots of money... Email me if you want more info.

Can't wait to check back in and see what's going on with you guys!

Alleen said...

I will say prayers that you will come to know what God's plans are for you.

Steve & Amy said...

We are saying prayers fo you. The Lord will move you down the path he has chosen for you. Praying that you find the answers you are looking for.

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