Sunday, August 12, 2007

Something you need to go read:

My sister just sent me this. VERY DISTURBING! I'm not meaning to freak everyone out, but I thought that it was important enough to post.


Courtney said...

Oh...That just makes me feel sick to my stomach. I cried while reading this article. It is so upsetting to me. Courtney

Cameo said...

HOLY CRAP!!!!! I'm speechless....

Kristi said...

This is why it takes SOOOO flippin' long to get our children home!! Those poor, poor babies! I hope and pray with all my might that those kids will be taken care of and placed for adoption. How incredibly sad......Bama

Kim said...

I just want to cry for these kids! Were they taken? Did their moms get money (money that they so desperatly need)? What will happen to these kids? Will they go back to their bio family (if they can find them)? Are their PAPs somewhere who were planning on adopting them? Will they end up in an orphanage and be unadoptable? This is hurts my heart so much. I pray every night that Alex's bmom was not tricked, coerced, or somehow influenced in her decision.

LouLou said...

I know....this really made my stomach hurt....You can see why people question the Guatemalan adoption process when things like this happen. The real victims are those sweet little babies! Let's load up and go get them all!

Kristi said...

I'll race you to the car! Can I get Syd out of there when we go? I need her in my arms!!!

Kim said...

Check out They have an article about the raid - and some people are contradicting the article. Very interesting - it's hard to know what to believe, but it sounds like many of these children are in process - I can't imagine what the PAPs are thinking right now!!

Andrea said...

Even if there are discrepancies, it's just the implication that ALL adoptions from Guatemala are illegal that kills me. Not saying there aren't some serious things going on, but the sensationalism and generalism that accompanies some of these stories just makes me sick to my stomach. The thought that someone will look at OUR children and wonder, even for a millisecond, if it was a "legal" adoption breaks my heart. I will walk across fire to protect my child, and yet, I can't even protect him from the judgment that happens when these articles, however true, come out. Sad.

Ginger--Maya's mommy said...

I just heard about this!!! This is horroble!!!

Farrah said...

WOW I don't even know what to say..This is sad. I hope the kids are okay

Anonymous said...

So very sad. I also hate the implication that ALL adoptions are illegal in some way. When it said something about lawyers charging $40k for an adoption, I swooned. WHO would not notice that there was something wrong when most pay between 20-22k??? It's all just so sad. For the bio families, the PAP's and especially the children.

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