Thursday, August 23, 2007

I need a break......

I want to say how much I appreciate all your support over the past few weeks. It has meant so much to me. For now though, I think I need to take a break.......Andrew, Logan, Hayden, and Anne Pearce need all my attention focused on them right now, and whatever time I happen to have left over needs to be spent on me. I don't know how long I will be gone, but I will be back. Please feel free to email me privately at if you have any questions. Also, all my buddies that have my number keep on calling. I just want to put this computer down and focus on the living things around me. Please keep us in your prayers. I know that Anne Pearce will get this sleep thing figured out soon, but until then it's taking all the energy I have (and it's not much) to deal with it. You are all in my thoughts and prayers everyday. This isn't good-bye just a temporary "so long".

love to you all,


Courtney said...

Lou, Take care of yourself and your family. We will miss you and hope you will be back blogging before we know it. Your family needs you. But, please come back... Take care of your health. God Bless. Courtney

Kim said...

We will be here when you come back. I'm glad you are recognizing that you need to take care of YOU as much as you need to take care of your kids. We will continue to pray for you!!!

Gail said...

I will miss you but do want you to get what you need, rest, relaxation, restoration.
Take care,

Natalie said...

Hun, this is a smart move. You DO need time for yourself! We'll get that sweet baby sleeping soon...I promise. And if for some reason it's taking longer than we're expecting...Aunt Nat will fly on over to help you out. You know I'd do anything for you. I love you!

Cameo said...

TOTALLY makes sense. I admire you for knowing when enough is enough and when you are spreading yourself too thin. Take all the time you need, we'll all be here when you come back. And just think, you will be well rested and feeling SOOOO much better! Take care and love you lots!

Doripink said...

Relax... we will miss you.
I am praying for sleep and relaxation.

Katie said...

Get some R & R .... we will all be praying for Anne Pearce and her sleep issue :)

Anonymous said...

Praying that you are able to get some much needed rest.

Steve & Amy said...

Lou, You are in our thoughts and prayers. Go get some sleep. We're here for you! Love you!

Anonymous said...

Lou I think you are a smart girl for recognizing this and following suit. Until we are going through sleep issues like this, we have no idea how time, energy, and emotion consuming they are. {{{BIG HUGS}}} Praying super hard AP get through this stage soon. I know how tired everyone has to be (boy have we been there more than once).

JuJu - said...

I feel ya girl!

Alleen said...

totally understood. We'll be here waiting for the time to be right for you to come back.

Ruthanne said...

Lou--praying that you and Anne Pearce both get some much needed sleep. Take care of yourself and your family. Talk to you soon.

Anonymous said...

I'll miss your absence on your blog but I understand why you need a break. I, too, took a break from blogs and forums the first 10 months Olivia was home. Good luck to you and God Bless! You all will get through this...Carolyn and Olivia

Anonymous said...

I hope you get to feeling better real soon. Go and get the rest and relaxtion you will need and deserve! I will miss your blog terribly but it will be all that much better when you return to it!
You are in my thoughts and prayers!

Crystal said...

Lou----I completely understand--please know whatever I can do for you I am here---if you need anything please please let me know-614-309-4654 --my hubby's email that I have taken over

We will most definately be here when you come back--we need our fill of all that sweetness from Anne Pearce!!!!!!

The Cook said...

I totally know where you are coming from. It can be overwhelming and I can't imagine being a mom to three. Take as much time as you need but know you will be missed.


Lou -- completely and totally empathize with you right now! It's so hard to handle the kiddos during the day when there is one who won't sleep at night. However, I have decided that God has granted all mothers swiss cheese for a brain. Why, you might ask? Because once these times pass we will have a vague recollection of the not-sleeping nightmares, but will still be able to recall with full delight the moment we first witnessed our children crawl or some other such milestone. Just my two cents having dealt with my two not sleeping on my own while Chris was deployed. Hang in there. She'll figure it out and life will get better.

Crystal said...

Are you okay?--Just checking in on you!!!!!!!! I miss you!!!!

Anonymous said...

Just thinking about you, Lou. Hope you & your sweet little family is doing well. ~Stephanie

Jami said...

I love you Lou - I'm going to try calling you soon!


The Cook said...

I think Sophie's hair is getting almost as wild as Aps. I miss you. Hope you are doing well.

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