Friday, July 20, 2007

Well, last night was better, but still far from normal.

Anne Pearce did sleep better and longer last night. She did have quite a fit around 2 am. Her daddy kept reassuring her that we were there and everything was alright. After about 45 minutes she was happy and started playing! About 45 minutes later she fell back asleep on her own and slept until 7:00. She whimpered a little then slept until 10! This schedule isn't perfect by any means, but we'll work on it after she gets used to sleeping through the night again. I am so thankful for my wonderful hubby who has let me sleep for the last 2 nights. I find it hard to sleep for worrying about her, but I am getting more than I have been.
AP had her first visit to our favorite ice cream place today: Mr. Gene's Beans. Here are a few pics:

I'll do some tricks for you if you'll give me a bite!

I'll do more tricks.............
Here is our sweet friend, Sabrina.

My toes are tasty too!
Playing with my friend, Sutton, while my mommy got her hair cut.


Ginger--Maya's mommy said...

Glad to hear that last night was a little better. Cute pics!!

Anonymous said...

Man that kid is LIMBER! Glad to hear last night went better! She'll eventually work it out. Every kid goes through this sleep thing in one way or another. It is a blessing that Andrew is there to be a support for you and AP.

Katie said...

Cute pics of AP eating icecream !!! Hope she starts to sleep better :)

Karen D. said...

Glad that last night was at least a little better! I have been thinking about ya! I love what AP can do with her legs!


Bekah said...

She is incredibly limber. I wish I had that flexibility! She is beautiful. Her hair is beautiful...nice work mommy! Glad the night was better!

Rhonda said...

Hi Lou,
I started reading your blog right before you went to Guatemala to get Anne Pearce. I just wanted to tell you how beatiful and precious your baby girl is. Congratulations, you have a wonderful family.

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