Monday, July 30, 2007

Amy Tennant Rocks!!!!

Edited: That is Mia crying...not AP....she loves the Baby Hawk
She rocks for many reasons, but she introduced me to my Baby Hawk baby carrier. She was sweet enough to leave it for me in GC, and I left it for Nat. We ordered my new one from GC, and I couldn't WAIT for it to get here! It is wonderful..... Today I was actually dressed with make-up and hair dried by 10:15. I assure you that is no small feat, and it was all due to the infamous Baby Hawk. This video is from when Amy and I were in GC together. She filmed me putting it on for the first time....I look like I goober, but you guys should be used to that by now. Amy, I love you, and I miss you. You gave me not only the BH but Retin-A! Have you gotten anything monogrammed for Mia yet? If not Auntie Lou will be sending something in the mail!

BTW, I have gotten better with the doesn't take me 10 minutes to put it on anymore!

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Steve & Amy said...

I think Baby Hawk should hire you for their instructional video!!!! :) Love You!

Anonymous said...

THAT IS HYSTERICAL! I so remember trying to do that with the EuroCarrier and Olivia cried through the whole thing too...Needless to say, we didn't use it too much. Looks like a great think to have though!

Kristi said...

That thing is pretty darn cool!! Soooo, does AP like it now? Love - Bama!

Doripink said...

I actually watched it without sound and still laughed out loud!
Thanks for the smiles and you have it down in less then 2 minutes! LOL

Bekah said...

Lou....precious. Reading books is the best. She is beautiful.

Bekah said...

Oops, the above comment was for the above post...somehow I commented on the wrong post. By the way, I am considering buying the baby hawk so your love for it is helpful to me.

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