Saturday, July 21, 2007

Sleep???? REJECTED!!!!!

Long story short......AP slept until 11:45, then the rest of the night was horrible. She cried and cried and cried and cried. She cried when we were in there with her. She cried when we were patting her. She cried when we left the room. She would eventually fall asleep for a while, and then it would start again. SURELY last night was the worst. She woke up happy as a lark this morning and had a decent morning nap. It's almost afternoon nap time, and I still have my pajamas on!!!!!! Hopefully Miss Priss has turned a corner, and now it will only get better. I'll keep you posted. Also, SHOUT OUT to Cameo.....She met Valentina for the first time yesterday. I have been blog stalking in all my "free time" for pics. I love you, Cameo and V!!!!!


Cameo said...

oh my lou lou, you are much too sweet!!!! Thanks so much! I tell ya, this little chick is growing on me! So sorry to hear about your night! Tonight HAS to be better, right?

Kristi said...

Oy ya yoy!! I am thinking that your little chicklett might need some tough love via cry it out. That's what we did with Luke about 2 weeks after we got home and it worked like a charm. GRANTED - the first 2 or 3 nights were horrible and heartbreaking but within 4 or 5 days, life as we knew it was back!!

I wish I lived closer so I could give her a good snuggle! Hang in there.....Love - Bama!

Anonymous said...

Here's to a more restful night.
Sweet dreams, and I HAVE to see that sweet little face of hers tomorrow. Two days in a row with no Anne Pearce is TOO much!!!
lovealee, daisy

Kerry said...

I think little miss AP might be trying to figure out who's boss in your house. I'm not big on giving advice to people about their own kids, but this is what I would do because no sleep isn't good for you, or her. I'm not tough enough to let them cry it out if it lasts more than 10 minutes, so I would let her fuss for that long, go in, don't say anything, but touch her briefly just to comfort her and go back out. Then, if you even need to, try letting her try to self soothe for 15 minutes and add 5 minutes for as long as you need to. I saw that on Supernanny once. Eventually, she will learn that you're in charge and mean business, but she also knows you're there.

I'll shut up now!

Anonymous said...

I don't know if you remember how sleep deprived I was when Caroline was born--10 years ago! The bad news is that she really only started sleeping all night long when she turned five years old. I think it is no coincidence that having a new roomate (Emily) when Caroline was 5 helped her turn the corner.

I don't think it will take AP as long as it did Caroline. Just remember, she's in a whole new world, she is experiencing a degree of grieving (despite her attachment to you), and avoid overstimulation. Also, if you ever want to use the International Adoption Clinic in B'ham, let me know. People from several states use them and they're awesome. Once you are with them, the lead social worker will give you her home phone number, and you can just call and cry about anything. You remember how difficult Emily was. I couldn't have made it without the clinic. AP is nowhere in the league with the way Em was to start with, but the comfort and advice the Clinic could give you would be a tremendous help. And don't forget yourself. I worry about you being sleep deprived. Anyway, we'll talk more about that later privately.

Remember that it can take several weeks (usually several months) for things to feel "normal" after an adoption, even with a baby. It took one of my friends 2 years. However, with the time you spent with AP in Guatemala, I truly believe everything will be settled peacefully around your house within a couple of months. It only took about a month with Jamey before things felt normal.

You are a great mommy! I saw you in action when the boys were little, and you are a born mommy! Just keep praying and remembering how blessed you are to finally have your little girl. Just don't let her "rule the roost." (I'm not practicing what I preach because Jamey (my youngest and only boy) is definitely the "little prince" around here. His 2 older sisters give him anything he wants. I suspect your 2 boys may have a tendency to do the same with their beautiful baby sister.

Chin up, you can do this. And, if you need to cry, go ahead. But some of the best medicine is laughter. Rent a comedy that you love and laugh, laugh, laugh! And I'm sure AP provides you with tons of stuff to laugh about. She is a blessed little girl, and you and Drew are so blessed to be her parents.

Sorry, I didn't mean to sound too much like a counselor! But just remember: you'll make it through, and this will be one of the many stories you tell AP through the years. Emily loves the story about how she was mad at me and screamed everytime I touched her on the Great Wall of China! (Ah, the joys of older toddler adoption!) But it was worth every minute. And everything you are going through will be worth it too!

All my love,
Becky Vick

Andrea said...

Hey girlfriend!

We miss you too! I am so sorry that AP is not sleeping that well. JP had nightmares for a while. Do you think that's what's going on with her???

Steve & Amy said...

We pray that AP get's an attitude adjustment with her sleep schedule:)Hopefully things start getting better soon! Saying prayers that her sleep clock will adjust itself!!! Love ya!

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