Wednesday, July 18, 2007

A few little sleeping issues at our house!!!

OK, Anne Pearce has not been sleeping at night for over a week. Her naps have also almost disappeared. We have tried EVERYTHING: rocking, patting, co-sleeping, music. You name it. We've tried it. I was beginning to freak out and think that there was something wrong with her emotionally from all the transition. Then this afternoon I had a lengthy discussion with my pediatrician's nurse. First let me tell you that this wonderful nurse has adopted 2 boys from Guatemala, so she knows her stuff on many levels. She and I discussed how well AP did with me in GC and when we first got home. I don't know if you remember, but AP had an ear infection on our first trip to the ped. Our nurse says that based on everything we've told her they don't think it's anything emotional. They think it's something physical, like maybe her ear infection didn't clear up, or she has something else. WHEW!!!!! I have to tell you I breathed a big sigh of relief. I know as adoptive (and bio) parents we all want our children to be healthy and well adjusted. As a bio and adoptive parent I can tell you that I freak out a lot more about AP's emotional well-being! I was always concerned when the boys were sick, but I never had to worry about them being attached to me and comfortable with their environment. As I was talking to my dear friend and AP's godmother, Lisa, (she also has 14 year old adopted twins from Paraguay) she pointed out that she can tell how well AP has bonded and attached to me from her behavior. She really has. She has done wonderfully except for this glitch in sleeping. We are exhausted, but I've been SO worried about her. We go BACK to the dr. in the morning to check for physical issues. If there are none, we'll go from there. I am just praying that it is something simple like another ear infection that can be cured with a simple antibiotic and that she is well and back to sleeping.......I'll let you know what the verdict is tomorrow.... I also pray that this may be the night she gets back to sleeping!!!


Cameo said...

oh my Lou Lou, I'm sure she'll be fine once you get whatever it is that is bothering her all cleared up. I know, I'm freaking out about V screaming and crying while we have her. Mom keeps trying to prepare me for it, but I don't know. And then Norm told me last night he just plain doesn't want to leave her! If it were up to him, we'd be MOVING to GC until the adoption was final!!! And here I thought I was the emotional one!!!

The Cook said...

hey check out my blog, you may see a familiar face in the montage :)

Steve & Amy said...

Praying that it's only another ear infection!!! AP needs to get feeling better!!

veggiemom said...

After you find out about the ear infection, you might try some baby massage. My sweet Ruby has been home almost 2 months. I got really sick a couple of weeks ago and that really disrupted her schedule and created a lot of sleep problems. A friend suggested massage with lotion after her bath and it has really helped. It's no magic cure but I do think it helps her relax, especially when she's overly tired.
Good luck - sleep problems really stink.

Emily said...

I'm sorry to hear that neither of you is getting much sleep. Hopefully it is something as simple to fix as an ear infection. Good Luck!

Jami said...

Oh, Lou - I'm sorry. I totally understand the being freaked out thing. You have been through an emotional rollercoaster too. I love you!! Sweet dreams tonight! :)

Powell Adoption said...

I hear you Lou! We had a really hard time for about a week and a half about two weeks after we got home with Mateo and Ellie. Ellie did not want to talk naps, at all. She als had a hard time at night. She wold fall asleep but as soon as I tried to lay her down she would cry and wake up. Well I am not sure if it was attachment or not but now she will fall asleep with a bottle and then I lay her down and rub her back and she goes right back to sleep. Maeto is a little different story. At least when he gets to sleep he stays asleep. So hang in there, and let us know if you find anything out!

Gail said...

Hope you get everything worked out right away so you and AP can both get the sleep you need.

Ginger--Maya's mommy said...

Hope everything turns out good at the doc.

Shana said...

Hey Lou!

So glad you are safe at home with your beautiful Anna Pearce! Did you ever get to American Doughnuts? Weren't they yummy? Anyway, try not to worry too much about the sleep thing... as my good friend is constantly reminding me... "This is just a phase, and it shall pass..." Sophie Lu goes in and out of sleep issue phases- and I know how hard they are on Mommies... Hang in there! She'll be sleeping more than you know very soon (but then you'll worry that she's not eating enough... LOL)!

I hope any physical issue she may have is minor and short-lived!

Hugs, Shana :)

Angel said...

HEY GIRL!!!!! I wish we DID live closer! Are you going to Atlanta In October? Thanks for your comment. Let's both get tough! :0) Angel

Poor BABY! I hope she feels better soon.

Karen D. said...

I will be praying! Keep me posted!


Anonymous said...

Hang in'll get better.

Tam said...

There's not a whole lot worse to me in a normal day-to-day life than losing sleep. It affects everything! I hope you get a simple solution quick!

Alleen said...

ugh... it's tough when there's no sleep. I hope it gets better soon for everyone's sake.

Bekah said...

I don't function on little sleep so I feel for you big time. I am grouchy and feel like I am walking through a fog. Praying whatever is bother AP will be discovered quickly!!! It's emotionally exhausting to care for a baby when you are tired. Praying the Lord give you rest tonight.

Rose said...

Oh I hope Lil Ap is feeling better and sleeping better. It so hard when you are not getting your sleep! UGHHH! Roseann

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