Thursday, July 19, 2007

OK, Blogging World

This is how I'm starting the night off at 9:45. My mommy and daddy are praying that I stay like this until in the morning! My doctor says there is NOTHING wrong with me......I'm just testing Mommy and Daddy. Tonight they are hanging out in my room with me. They say they are going to be there, so I know they haven't left me, BUT they aren't going to pick me up......just pat me and whisper to me. Can you believe this????? I'll let you know how it goes in the morning.


Anne Pearce


jajbs said...

Cute post! She is beautiful and looks like an angel. Hope all goes well for ya, AP!! :)


Isabella can't wait to meet you in Atlanta!

Anonymous said...

Precious angel baby face!!!
No worries- we had some sleep issues too...and still do from time to time. But all in all, it gets better and they settle in! Sweet dreams AP!

Jane said...

Hope everyone at your house is sleeping like a baby tonight!

Anonymous said...

Ohhh Lou I really hope it worked!! Kemry slept so well in Guatemala and then suddenly at home she pulled this saaaaame thing! Things have gotten a ton better, but we don't forget what those sleepless nights do to us! LOL I've got my fingers and toes crossed it worked last night and ya'll got some sleep!


Alleen said...

Such precious pictures.

Kristi said...

Dear AP -

My Mommy and Daddy did the same thing in that hotel place a few weeks ago. They said I wouldn't sleep in their arms at all. Sooo, I just let them think that. I think you should cut them a break for now. They sure are tired! Now, let's decide what you could do to make up for it!! Hehehehe!! Night night AP!!

Your Friend in GC, Sydney!

Kerry said...

Don't worry, Lou. She's just getting used to her environment. She's had a lot of change and she will be through this before you know it. When we travel, Cameron wakes up a couple times during the night for at least a few nights after we come home. I think they just wake up and get a little scared because it's different. He always returns to normal though.

Kisses from Georgia!

burpittyburp said...

PURE sweetness:)

Anonymous said...

we're all wondering how the night went??!?!?! =)

Anonymous said...

yeah, how did it go?

Gail said...

Can't wait to hear how it went.

The Cook said...

I'm guessing by the pictures it went well?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great plan! I did something similar to that with Olivia for a while. It really helps build trust...keep us posted on how she's doing! Hugs you all of you! Carolyn and Olivia

Nan and Dan said...

Hi Lou!!
We had the same problems with Victoria, still do after our mini-vacation. We are using the "no cry sleep solution" theory and that seems to be working. They also have a yahoo group so I can ask others going through the same thing.
We actually just had our first all nighter!!!
good luck,

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