Thursday, July 12, 2007

Should I stay or should I go now?????

The question of the day: SHOULD I go to the new Harry Potter movie with my 2 boys and leave AP with Andrew tomorrow, or SHOULD I stay home with her?? It seems so early to leave her for anything, and to tell the truth the thought of it makes my stomach hurt....I haven't had her out of my sight for a month....I KNOW she would be fine with her daddy....this is totally MY issue. Let me know what you think.... I am freaking out over such a small thing.....

Cameo, I promise I will post some new pics tomorrow. I have been so tired! AP has been waking up at night, and I haven't had the camera out as much as I normally do. We do have a photo shoot planned for tomorrow for her adoption announcements, so we'll take a bunch of extras!


starzy18 said...

I know it would be so hard to leave her for a couple hours. But then again you could have some special time with your boys. You could make it a special outing. I think that it would mean a lot to the boys for you to go to the movies. That is definately a hard choice.
I am looking forward to seeing her pictures

Tam said...

That's a tough call...people on the boards have me all freaked out about attachment issues, so I'm no help at all. Sorry.

I'll play everything by ear when Kevin comes home and I can gauge his reactions. I think you have to just go with your gut on this one...

It's Me....Dea said...

Conner, Doug, & I just got back from the movie :-). It was great! It strayed from the book quite a bit this time though.
Andrew is probably trying to get you out of the house so that he can have some Daddy time with AP ;-) , so let him have it. She'll be fine, you'll be fine & you'll love the movie. Of course, Aunt Dea would be happy to babysit while Drew goes to the movie too :-)

Anonymous said...

Go see Mr. Potter and enjoy the time with your boys. You'll come back re-energized and your boys will appreciate their private time with mom. My mom had to literally kick me out of the house the first time I left Olivia and the whole time I was at Target I was nervous. She was fine and happy while I was gone. Now I look for any chance to get out of the house for 5 minutes (just kidding!)

Karen D. said...

I agree with the others. You need to spend some time with the boys. They need you too! Andrew is a great dad! He will be fine with AP and I know that he will enjoy having her all to himself for a while!!

Love ya!

Mama Bunny said...

If you aren't ready to leave her, then don't. But, I do think you should have some Mom/son bonding with the boys :)

Ginger--Maya's mommy said...

I think you should go. You don't want your boys to feel left out just because AP is at home. She will be great with her Daddy.

Kristi said...

It'll be tough to leave her but you need a little break. Even if it's only a movie. The boys need some "date" time with you too. Go to HP and have a'll be home with AP in a few hours!!

Anonymous said...

I think the general consensus says it all. You have been with her a lot longer just on your own than any of us here really realize, and I think it would be good for you to take the boys and just be with them for a little while. They love you so much, and I know they'd enjoy it!! And I think Andrew is in love with that little girl and it would be good for them both to just have some Daddy/baby time. She'll be good!!! It would be only fitting for him to be her first "babysitter". =)
have fun!!!!

theowensclan said...

Hey there, I just saw this post. Go to my blog page. I just posted about going to the movie last night. Overall, it wasn't about me seeing something that I really wanted to see as much as experiencing something with my boys that means alot to them. I think you will feel better about going with them than staying home. Your boys missed you while you were gone, probably more than you realize. My boys sure did. I was suprised at their reaction when I came home. I'm sure your boys would like a little time alone with you. I love you! I totally understand your struggle.

Gail said...

I agree with the others. Go to the movie and enjoy. You know daddy will take good care of AP and it's only for a couple of hours.

Andrea said...

You are not leaving her with with just anyone! That would be good bonding time with daddy!

Also, you and the boys would have fun--- the message it would send to your boys would be PRICELESS!!

Love you, Andrea

Anonymous said...

Let her bond with daddio for a little while....the movie is FANTASTIC!!!! I went last night for my birthday at the IMAX!!!


Anonymous said...

Hello again. I haven't been able to check your blog lately and am very happy to see that you are all home and well. I know the thought of leaving her even for a short time seems unbearable but if it were me I'd go ahead and see the movie with the boys. The time you two have shared together is precious and very special and I think it would be great for your husband to create some of those memories for himself as well. Trust me, she will be fine and will not forget you at all. You will always have a strong bond with her but daddy's and little girls need that special bond as well. It's Harry Potter, go ahead and enjoy it with your boys.

Jill said...

It is so GREAT to have your little one home to be able to choose a movie! Isn't it hard to remember life without her in your arms? Do what feels right... either way, the kids will be fine and loved.

Enjoy your night! Jill

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