Wednesday, July 18, 2007

I'm trying to think of a word.......

It has something to do about laying down at night, closing your eyes, and drifting off to Neverland.....It's right on the tip of my tongue....WHAT is it????? I haven't had any in so long I've forgotten the name of this wonderful stuff.... If any of you know the name of this magical process or you know how I can get some of it please respond ASAP!!!!!


Ginger--Maya's mommy said...

I am totally clueless!!!

Bekah said...

SLEEP?....why aren't you getting any sleep?

Anonymous said...

i think it's called sleep...i just started getting some about 3 months ago...

Karen D. said...

What's up? Why aren't you getting any sleep or rest? Fill me in! What do I have to look forward to (or not) when Abbie comes home?


Anonymous said...

I know it seems horrible for now (and you'll have to remind of this in about 3 months) but it WILL get better. =) Just like the adoption process that was so very hard, this process too will pass and you will learn something from all this hard work, too. I was thinking while driving today about things that helped Maggie. Some of the better tips that actually did help were: make sure she's getting outside time. Let's go to the park! That sunshine will help her "set her internal clock" and also just wear her out so she sleeps better. The exact same bed time routine every night at strictly the same time every night (at least strict for a while) will help her realize what's going on, too. Prayer. Yep, there's nothing better than prayer and getting in God's word. "Come to me, all you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest." I can't remember the reference, but I know Jesus Himself said it. That was my comfort verse for about a year!!! =)
Hang in there. Call us if you need us, too!
Love, Daisy

Natalie said...

Girlfriend, I don't have a clue! I'm wondering the same thing. If you find out the cure...PLEASE let me know. Love you.

Jami said...

You mean that precious AP is keeping you up!! :)

I'll pray for sweet dreams tonight! Let's talk soon...I miss you!!!

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