Saturday, October 20, 2007

Welcome to the world sweet boy.....

This is our darling, Luke. He was born yesterday early in the afternoon weighing in at 7.7lbs and 21.5" long. Daisy was a trouper and was looking FANTASTIC only a couple of hours after she had him. Wyatt is one proud daddy, and Maggie is happy as a big sister. I am going back later to get my hands on him! I keep reminding myself that I need to be unselfish.....He will be right across the street from me, and I will be able to see him everyday. We are all thanking God for our precious new addition. It seems like just yesterday that Daisy called me to come to her house......said Maggie had a surprise for me. The surprise was a positive pregnancy test! Now, we have this precious boy! God is SO good!


Anonymous said...

I think he is the most beautiful newborn I've ever seen! Really! He has such perfect features that will only get more adorable as he grows. Congratulations to Daisy and her family!

JuJu - said...

He is P-E-R-F-E-C-T!!!
Tell them congrats from the Crew:)

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