Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Look what AP has been up to......

It was actually COOL enough here last week to let AP wear one of her fall outfits. Now it's hot again :(

I made that bow!

No captions needed......Who needs toys?????

AP has started taking a few steps at a time!!! We are SO excited. Don't ask me why.....Now I'll just be chasing her all the time!!!! It's so wonderful to experience these milestones with her. Don't we look mean making her walk to her milk? Did you notice that she's walking to a sippy cup??? We still have the bottles some, but not like we used to. My baby is growing up!!! Does anyone know how to freeze them???????? She is at such a precious stage, and I am eating up every second. Here are some photos from the last week or so and a video of her walking. Love to you all......

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Here's another video of AP doing what she loves best: Talking on the phone....Where on earth did she learn that??? You can hear her saying "mama mama" over and over.

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Thursday, October 25, 2007

One year ago today.....

We saw this sweet beautiful face for the very first time. Our hearts and lives were changed in an instant. How can you thank God for a gift as precious as this? I don't know, but I thank Him all day long EVERYDAY for my children. I can't believe it's been an entire year since we accepted Anne Pearce's referral. It seems as if it were 10 minutes ago, and at other times it feels like years ago....... She was 9 days old in these pictures and a whooping 10lbs.2 oz! In this instant she became our daughter. Today I just rocked and rocked her long after I needed to. I just took a few minutes to soak up my girl and just be thankful. Thank you, God, for the precious gift of Anne Pearce. You picked the perfect child for our family, and we are so amazed and thankful for Your trust and generosity. We are just in awe of You........... I trust that one day soon You again will lead us to another child. We are waiting and listening for Your perfect timing again. We love You.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


You heard RIGHT!!! I am coming HOME!!!!!! WHOOOOO HOOOOO for our precious Analise and her mommy Shannon!!!! Another prayer has been answered!!!! This sweet girl is coming HOME!!!!! Shannon, I am just so thrilled for you....... We love you, Lou and AP!!!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Just a quiet week so far........

Hey all! Just been having a quiet week...... been lovin' on our new baby, Luke. He is DIVINE.... OH a brand new baby is the sweetest thing on earth! AP is as funny as always. She is standing now and will take a step here and there. My baby is growing up. She totally rejected baby food this week. All of a sudden she was done. Tomorrow is the big switch over to milk. When Nat was here we bought TONS of ribbon to make some bows to match our Gymboree stuff. I am no Stacy from Little Clippies, but I am coming along. I am posting a couple of pics with AP wearing some of my first tries...... I know they need to be poofed up, and I know some look HUGE on AP's head. In her defense, her hair hadn't reached it's normal stage of fluffiness when I took these pics.....

Mother, I am more than a pretty head of hair you know.....

I tried to take some pics of AP in her super cute outfit today with matching bow.... This is what she did when I was trying to capture her cuteness....
That's right folks....loving on Bun Bun.
I did manage to catch this:
Before she did this(pretending to ignore me)....

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Hey! AP is "Almost Famous" as are mine and Andrew's legs!

Go check out this site:, and see if you can spot us!

Welcome to the world sweet boy.....

This is our darling, Luke. He was born yesterday early in the afternoon weighing in at 7.7lbs and 21.5" long. Daisy was a trouper and was looking FANTASTIC only a couple of hours after she had him. Wyatt is one proud daddy, and Maggie is happy as a big sister. I am going back later to get my hands on him! I keep reminding myself that I need to be unselfish.....He will be right across the street from me, and I will be able to see him everyday. We are all thanking God for our precious new addition. It seems like just yesterday that Daisy called me to come to her house......said Maggie had a surprise for me. The surprise was a positive pregnancy test! Now, we have this precious boy! God is SO good!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Taking a break....

Sleeping beauties on the way to the airport
YOU DO NOT KNOW how much I miss this face.... and her mommy.....and her sister.

Hello all,

I just wanted to let you know that I will be taking a blogging break for a while. There are some serious things going on in our family that I'm not at liberty to discuss on the blog. Let me just say that we all need a lot of prayer. My older kids are going through a terrible situation right now, and they could really use prayer from all of you. I am still checking blogs when I have a chance, but my family needs all of my attention right now. PLEASE email me if you have any major news...... I want to hear from all of you.
love to you all, and I will be back soon.

Friday, October 12, 2007

For my Cameo......

All I have to say is that it's ABOUT TIME you people let me go home!!!!

This week has been wonderful for many reasons.......AP's birthday, Nat and the girls being here..... I do have to say that the BEST thing happened this week......Our VALENTINA GOT OUT OF PGN!!!!!!!! Nat and I are SO HAPPY FOR YOU CAMEO, and Norm, your Mom and Dad, Sissy, Josh, AND ASA!!!!! You are a fantastic mom, and V is blessed to have you.... You have been there for me through all the ups and downs of AP's adoption, and I am so honored to have been on this journey to Valentina with you! I love you, and I can't wait to see our girl home with your family!!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

A little birthday recap.......

I couldn't get around to posting yesterday....we just had SO much going on! Here's a little picture parade of the day with my ONE YEAR OLD!!!!!

Daddy took part of the morning off, so he could be there when I woke up..... I see my new kitchen over there, and I LIKE IT!
ooooooooohhhhhh, Daddy, Is this for real?????
Is that for ME???
WHOOOOO HOOOOO!!!!! Let's play!
Check out this cool kitchen.....
How fun is this???
Check the light out, Mommy!

Bella, WHatcha think about our new table and chairs???
What are we gonna do today, Bella???
Get into lots of mischief??? OK, sounds great!
Aunt Nat told my mommy to put this headband on me....What do you think??
I'm such a sweet girl!
I love this frying pan....

We interupt this Anne Pearce tribute with some Bella cuteness!
How cute is my Bella up there???

Hanging with my BFF at lunch....
HMMMMMM, Why do people keep asking us if we're twins???
IDK, AP......They're crazy!!!

HEY! Where's my food?!?!?!
Cheerios Please!!!
I am the CUTEST!

I love you, Bella!
Let's play with my new toys!

Notice Bella is having a snack of paper....

Sweet Maggie!
How cool is this?

Look what Kennedy made me!
How sweet! Wow, this cake business is good!

Why am I in the tub at Grandmama's?

I'm tired now.....think I'll just hang out under my new table..
and eat mama's keys.....
I'll peek out for my daddy....

Nite Nite, Bella.....It was a great day!

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