Thursday, September 27, 2007

Some good news from Guatemala....

This is a portion of an email I received from a very reliable source in Guatemala...

Hi Lou,DOS statement has been created a kind of caos. Emails have been flying everywhere. Here in Guatemala we have concluded that this a kind of a sinister plot. We think there are people from UNICEF who are behind this plot. They have always been saying bad things about adoptions here in Guatemala. They have been trying to influence the President's wife and now they are trying to influence the DOS. They have been throwing bad rumors on adoptions for around 20 years.Up to now the President has said nothing nor the newspapers and as we told you, he does not have the power to stop adoptions just like that. It is unconstitutional. We've been told by some members of the Joint Council they are creating a big campaign to clarify these rumors or to take some action if they are true. They have planned a schedule of important issues to discuss with all the parts involved. They will help a lot. We know all of this stuff is not true so we should keep faith. We hope everything will continue as normal.


Ginger--Maya's mommy said...

That sounds like good news to me. Keep us posted!!!

Lucinda Naia said...

this is GREAT news! I truly believe that our government can pressure their government. It was especially frightening to read the JCICS statements about President Berger claiming he will stop all adoptions on Jan. 1. If you haven't visited their website, they have a clear campaign outlined for next week to lean on our representatives.

Jodie said...

thank you lou for getting this info & posting it, right now I've just been feeling numb & not really knowing what to think or feel about all of this.

Kristi said...

That's EXACTLY what our agency emailed us last night too!! Big sigh..... go read my blog too! Much love - Bamagirl!

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