Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Let's make some noise to get children HOME!

Please take a minute or two to sign this online petition!

Remember that this is MY blog and MY opinions...if you think our government is perfect stop reading here.

Yesterday our DOS issued a very severe warning. Basically it says if you're in the process of adopting from Guatemala and you're not done by December 31st you're ON YOUR OWN. Are you kidding me?????? OUR country has been applying pressure to Guatemala to implement the Hague when, from my understanding, OUR country won't be Hague compliant until spring of 2008!!!! OUR country has still been issuing 171h's for Guatemala and accepting that fee! OUR country claims to have the best interests of the children at heart. Do they think denying these children families is in their best interests????? ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? What happened to all our ELECTED government officials standing up for their constituants??? I tell you what: I am not a very political person, but I am going to start calling EVERYONE I can call until we get JUSTICE for these families and children. We can't just sit here and hope that this doesn't happen. We all have to use our voices and DEMAND that OUR government fights for those families already in process with their adoptions. You can't say one day, "Yes, we will issue you clearance to adopt from Guatemala" and the next day say, "Oh, you're adopting from Guatemala? Sorry, we can't help you." We are the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, and we can do better than this.......

Go read Cheri's blog. She has suggestions for actions we can take. Those of us who have already brought our children home could be in the EXACT same situation. Our timing was just different. We have to use our voices to help bring these children home.


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for your support. We are one of those families. I plan to start sending letters and emails to any entity I can think of to help our situation (and that of others) We just signed POA and recieved I-171H two months ago. I am appalled too that our government would hang us out. Thank you for your kindness and prayers for us. We all have something wonderful in common.

Yours truely
-fellow (hopeful) adoptive parent

Katie said...

This is unbelievable -- we have to fight against this !!

Anonymous said...

Lou- So often we see bloggers get their babies home and then just simply post a few cute pics of their baby every now and then and forget about giving encouraging words to the rest of the waiting parents. But I can see that you truly love all of the guatemalan children of God and since bringing Anne Pierce home you have never forgot them. I don't know you other than through your blog, but you should know what an inspiration you are. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

Courtney said...

oh my heart aches. I am so scared my baby will not be home. thanks for posting this to info us. our case has been in pgn for 1 week. please pray for us. we visit her next week. courtney

Ginger--Maya's mommy said...

I was reading this today. This is getting soooo insane. We have to do something. No, I will never adopt from any where again but there are those that will and I want them to have a fast smooth process.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your support and understanding. We just received our DNA authorization yesterday and as thrilling as that news was, it was subdued a bit in light of the current news. We are scared, but hopeful that through prayer and action we can look forward to bringing all of these babies home!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your help and support.

Jane said...

I've e-mailed my friends and family across the US and they are writing letters and making phone calls, too...mostly for my case which has been in PGN 9 weeks, but also for others who I know here in blog-land.
Thank you for your support - and call to action!

Lucinda Naia said...

I contacted my representatives yesterday, and I plan to call DOS tomorrow morning. Today I sound like a frog because I strained my voice yesterday.

Anonymous said...

Lou, thank you for making the petition available to sign. I have only recently become aware of the difficulties involved when adopting from Guatamala. I found your site indirectly from Heather Duckworth's site. In addition to signing your petition I will be contacting my representatives. These babies need loving homes. They need to come home. Your baby is beautiful. Elaine

Tam said...

Yep. Already done!

Kristi said...

We gotta get our kids home!! I need my daughter here and my gov't sure better help me out!!! I think our agency has finally realized there is alot of crazy stuff going on!! I will be doing EVERYTHING that I can to be heard. Thanks for still helping us waiting Mommy's!!! Much love - Bamagirl!!

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