Friday, September 14, 2007

Anne Pearce is now a great sleeper!

I waited to post this until I knew this wasn't a fluke. I have been working VERY hard with AP to establish healthy sleeping routines. It's finally paid off. She has slept all night for 3 nights in a row. Her naps are solid as well. It's a whole new world for this family! Now, I know that a lot of other people are going through the same situation, so I am going to share what worked for US. I tried lots of people's tips, but eventually I had to figure AP out. Nothing else was working.... Here's what finally worked:

1. We designated a "lovey" for AP. Most babies have a special blankie or animal or SOMETHING they have had all their lives that gives them comfort. AP didn't have that, so we picked something for her. It took several tries....she didn't take to the first couple of offerings. She finally settled on a soft stuffed bunny that is affectionately called "Bun Bun". Her daddy named him! She has Bun Bun with her right before and during all sleeping. We also get Bun Bun out during the day for her to play with. She loves him.

2. When AP got well enough I decided to work on her sleeping. Crying it out alone in her room DID NOT work. We tried that for over a week before and were all miserable. One night AP woke up at 2 am ready to play. I had had it at this point. I tried rocking her and trying to get her back to sleep, and THEN I WAS DONE. At that point it was around 3am. I told her that I loved her and that it was time for sleep. I put her in her crib, and the screaming started. I didn't leave the room. As she screamed for me I kept reassuring her that I was there, but I wouldn't pick her up. Man, was she mad. She screamed and hollered and cried and screamed and hollered and cried. You get the picture. I was also worn out by then, but I was not losing this battle after all those hours. I kept telling her to calm down and go to sleep in a soft voice. At 5:05 am I left the room. She was asleep within 20 min. Since then she has slept all night in her own bed! It has gotten better each night. One thing I did notice is that she needs light. I left a lamp on the first two nights , and last night we put in a bright night light. She slept like a rock from 8:20 last night until 7:30 this morning WITHOUT A PEEP!

3. I don't rock her all the way to sleep anymore. I rock her for a few minutes and talk and sing to her. We love on Bun Bun and cuddle. I put her in her crib awake with Bun Bun and leave the room. The first couple of times she whined, but now she understands what to do. Sometimes she talks and plays for a while then puts herself to sleep. PURE BLISS! There is no music playing and no noise maker. Those don't work for her. She likes quiet with a little light. I just layed her down at 9:50 for a nap. It took her 30 minutes to fall asleep, but she never once cried or whined. She had been waking up earlier the past 2 mornings, so I wasn't sure what time she would need a nap sleeping a little bit later. Tomorrow I will put her down a little later. I learn more about her schedule and needs every day.

4. I have stayed home during and close to nap time. I have been able to run a couple of errands, but mostly I have stayed put this week. I wanted to make sure that we stuck to her schedule. It has made all the difference in the world. It's not like we were always going before, but I am very conscious about what time we leave and come home. Right now it's all around her schedule.... I have missed out on doing some things I wanted, but she is becoming more and more predictable.

I'm not saying this is THE way to do anything. I just wanted to share what has worked for us. That first night that I was up until 5am was horrible but so worth it! It has paid off tremendously. I now have a happy healthy baby developing wonderful sleep habits. She now has a well rested and healthy mommy, daddy, and brothers. Our entire family is better for this change. DON'T GIVE UP if your baby is having sleep problems. I know it's exhausting, but sooner or later you will figure out what your baby needs. I love having my bed and sleep back. It has made all the difference in the world. Now, I'm just praying that she is secure enough with this by the time we go to Guatoberfest! I would hate for all this to be thrown off for a weekend! She has 3 weeks to continue to develop her habits.....hopefully a couple of days won't undo everything.

My laptop will be back today or tomorrow. YEAH!!!!!!!!! I will post some pictures sometime this weekend...

Love to all!


The Cook said...

That is awesome news, I am so happy for you. Can't wait to see photos.

Anonymous said...

Hey Lou- so glad to see you and AP are doing well. One peice of advice. Get a back up "bunbun"! This is very important bc if she loses it and you can not find another it can be big trouble. Check out under lifestyle and parenting for a funny story on this. It is titled where did binky go. I wish you the best. Love - Michelle Wilson

Anonymous said...

Awesome, Awesome, Awesome!! You are so right about figuring YOUR baby out. That's what it takes, and that's what makes you a good Mommy!!!! I was thrilled to hear that sleeping was going so well this morning. Life will only get better and better!!! Congrats on the sleep and we'll definitely have to celebrate tomorrow!!
love ya!

Doripink said...

I was SO happy to read your post! I am so glad everyone is getting some good sleep and that AP is doing so good! You're an awesome mommy! Can't wait to meet in a few weeks!

Jami said...

Yea Hooray!!! Congratulations on getting some sleep!!

Love you!

Gail said...

Great tips! BTW, a couple of months ago I lost a rabbit that I had slept with for 21 years. You didn't find it did you?

Alleen said...

I am so happy you finally found what worked. A tired baby and momma are not a good combination....

I agree, get a backup Bun Bun. Our Ellie(a gift so I didn't know where it came from) was getting pretty nasty even after washings and I happened to be in a store one day and there he was!! Bought it right then. So, now we have one still available when the other is drying.

Bekah said...

nice work! exhausting but well worth the reward to have your room and bed back. it's amazing how strong willed and determined these little people are. :)

Kim said...

I'm so happy to read this!!!!! I'm sure that she will get it all figured out now.

And hey - there will be a TON of us at Guatoberfest, so if she decides to not sleep well, there are a lot of us to help you!!!

Andrea said...

Yea! That's great!! K. slept from 9-3:30am today, too! Of course, he was then up for TWO hours, but went back down at 5:30 and slept until 8:30. I pray that AP continues on her path to good sleep, and ALL of you get some sleep!!

Much love! Can't wait to see pictures!!

Anonymous said...

wonderful news on the sleep! I knew you'd figure out what worked! CONGRATS!

Anonymous said...

Love to hear that AP is sleeping!! What wonderful news.

Anonymous said...

could not be happier for you and your family. Happy dreams!

Anonymous said...

Yea for sleep!

Courtney said...

Bun Buns are the best !! My hair dresser was over when I was reading your blog and I showed him AP's hair... His advice....Just let it grow out and it will be fine. Yeah for sleep !!!!! Courtney

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