Sunday, December 16, 2007

I know you all are tired of looking at my hair......

And it's past time for a new post...... We had a great weekend....We went and spent the day with all of Andrew's family yesterday (HEY GOODDADDY), and we had a wonderful time catching up. Anne Pearce loved playing with her grandparents, great-grandparents, and sweet precious little cousins. When we were at Andrew's Maw-Maw's there were 8 little ones running around, and that wasn't even all of them! AP was in baby heaven........ It was great to see them all....

I have to go into major shopping mode this week to get finished up... I still have TOO much do to.....It is much harder sh0pping with a one year old! It is WONDERFUL..... Ol' Man Winter finally blew some cold air our way. I think it's supposed to last for 3 days.....Oh well, life in the south! Here are some more of our pics from Nat's. I was keeping these a secret for my hubby, but I had to show them, since other people were getting them as gifts! He loved them!

Daddy's 2 girlies!

How stinkin' sweet is this?????
This is my absolute favorite of Anne Pearce..... She looks like an angel!
lovey lovey,


Alleen said...


Cameo said...

Oh my Lou Lou, so pretty! And AP isn't bad looking either, LOL!!! Love ya!

Karen D. said...

The pics are fantastic! I love the first one of the two of you!!!

It finally turned cold here too! We had cold weather, then it was in the 80's last week and now cold again! Like you said- Life in the South!!

Love ya!

Mami Sue said...

Lou, those are some precious pictures!!! If you have more, don't hold out on us girl!!
Post Them!!!
You two are sooooo beautiful!!
love and blessing to you!

Lori and Robby said...

I just can't get over how precious those pictures of AP are! You are right -- she looks just like an angel!

Stacy F said...

So pretty! Where are those adorable brown/red clothes from that the three kids are wearing?

Bekah said...

A-mazing! Gorgeous pictures, gorgeous girl, precious little outfit....perfect.

Ginger--Maya's mommy said...

Love the pictures!!!

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